I slept with my kiddos for the longest time...neither of them enjoyed their crib, and I was not going to let them cry it out. As they both got older, I started trying to find a way to get them in their bed. I started the big boy and big girl fairy. If they slept in there bed throughout the night, the fairy would come and leave something under their pillow. I started doing little things like a sucker, money for their piggy banks, little trinket toys, etc. As they got used to that, I would only have the fairy come a couple of times a week. Eventually, the fairy just stops coming. I have had to recently go back and use the fairy when my son was having a hard time giving up his pacifier. The fairy worked like a charm. We are pretty strict in our routine at bedtime. The kids get ready for bed, hugs and kisses from me, and then my husband reads them a book and it is off to bed. It has been about eight months since we first started this, and we have had great success. Good luck!