Are you sure it is a nightmare? Let me explain... My daughter has a similar problem (22 months old), but much more frequently; she will wake up in the middle of the night and not want to go back to sleep in her own bed. As long as I hold her she is fine, lay her down, and screaming. Sleeping with us has not worked either for several reasons, I don't want her in my bed every night and she is restless and doesn't sleep well or let us sleep. To make a long story short, this has been going on for MONTHS!!! Finally I had the idea to convert her to a twin sized bed so I could lay next to her until she fell asleep, then I could go back to bed. It was only when I started sleeping next to her in her own bed and space that I noticed how bad her snore was. She sounds like a 90 year old when she snores. I recored a minute of her snore on my phone and took it to the ear, nose and throat doc, and we are now scheduled to have her tonsils out. Needless to say, her sleep apnea is pretty bad, and I felt bad for ignoring her sleeping issues for the better part of 7 months!