We host a special members only event once a year. Ours is a dance, but I have seen a carnival and a spaghetti dinner. Think outside the box. Our dance is free to PTA members, or $6.50/ family (the cost of membership) for non members. Once they get inside we have pizza, dessert, drinks, popcorn, games and a live DJ all for free. It is a huge benefit that is tangabale and visable. I stole the idea from the carnival school a few years ago. They did the same thing. Just yesterday I heard of a middle school who offered a free spaghetti dinner to the entire family for all PTA members. They charged $20/ plate for non member families, or $10.50 to join the PTA and eat for free. Response was standing room only.
We also work to let our parents know that we want them when they can give to us. During school, after school, evenings. I am in a big school (800 kids) and we fit all the subgroups. In the end though, parents are parents and they all want whats best for their kids.
One great thing our admin has helped us with is a pick up line project group. The parents that wait 10-45 min in the afternoons to pick up there kids, can park in carpool come in pick up a project, cutting, sorting, coloring, whatever the teachers need and work on it until 5 min before the bell rings when they then go back to their cars and wait for dismissal. Lots of extra hours of help that way.
Our Bookfair setup and packup are done over lunch, as parents come in to eat with their kids, we ask that they give an extra ten minutes and unpack/ pack one box of books. It doesnt have to be perfect, the kids dont care, but many hands make light work.
Little things like after the PTA meeting, everyone is asked to take their chair and put it up. Three minutes of everyones time means two or three of us dont stay afterwards for an hour putting up chairs. Something small, but it means A LOT to those of us who can leave on time to get home to our kids, which is why we are in PTA to begin with.
Our custodian has asked for help at lunch washing tables between grade levels, again those parents that come and eat, stay an extra five minutes to help clean. One of the table washers from last year, is now one of our VP's. on the board. She liked helping and wanted to be more involved, she felt comfortable enough to ask and she is doing an amazing job this year.
Of course we still need someone to come for several hours and help run bookfair or the school store, but for those that dont have that much time, there are plenty of ways to help.
Good luck and remember, think outside the box!