Hi A.,
My husband and I went and saw Dave Ramsey when he spoke here about a year and a half ago. My husband had gotten the tickets for us to go see him -- I was apprehensive at first, but hearing him (and then following his plan) has changed our lives.
At the time, we were both working full-time, but had still managed to spend more than what we made. Our little boy was just a few months old when we went and saw Dave Ramsey, and we had quite a lot of debt. I also took care of all of the bills (partially my issue -- I'm a control freak -- and partly because my husband just didn't get involved with the bill paying). We knew we had to do something to get control of our finances -- we didn't really fight about money, but both worried about it way too much!
We bought Dave Ramsey's book "The Total Money Makeover" -- I would recommend this book over the "Financial Peace" book. I think it's more concise, easy to follow and very informative. But, I'd also strongly recommend that you either go see Dave Ramsey speak and/or take the classes (Financial Peace University). I noticed some other folks have already recommended this, too, and have led you to the Web site where you can find all this information.
I've since quit my job to be a stay-at-home-mom to our little boy (who is now 20-months-old), and we have a second baby on the way (a girl this time) who is due in early January. Without following Dave Ramsey's plan, we'd be in big trouble now! It's not easy supporting our family on one salary now, but at least now we have a plan, we're on the same page, we talk about money ... and most importantly, we follow a budget every month (that we both make together)!
We've been seriously following the plan (took us a while to get motivated) for 4-5 months. We already have a $1,000 emergency fund set up (you'll learn more about this in Dave Ramsey's stuff), and we've started paying down our debt (and we don't make more ... no credit cards, no spending money we don't have, cash only for most purchases, etc.). Plus, we both know exactly where our money is going every month -- no surprises! ;) I'm not saying it's not a challenge, just that it's nice to all be on the same page, to see that we work together to reach our goals, and to be partners financially!
Best wishes to you! I hope all this helps! I've never heard anyone that really works to follow Dave Ramsey's program say anything but great things. Good luck!