Ride it out. Just do what works at the time, and the same thing may not work 2 days in a row! Everything changes so incredibly quickly the first few months (some refer to the first 3 months as the "4th trimester"...human babies are born very minimally developed so a lot of growth is still happening then). Their early nursing also helps establish your supply, so don't limit her (within reason, of course).
Find someone who is good with slings/carriers, if you get a good fit you'll hardly notice she's there! You should also be getting as much sleep as possible at this point, if laying with her gets you 2 the most sleep then do it! :) Get rest, and let your body heal.
I know there are lots of books and experts that talk about starting routines the first week or 2, and some babies fall into that easily but many don't. Personally, I strongly believe that any baby who falls into a schedule early would do just as well whenever you started--it's just their personality, not the system that was followed or how well you implemented it.
It's very common for newborns to want to be close to a warm body, especially mom. Evolutionarily, babies have been best off if they are close to mom--it helps regulate body temp, they are safer from predators, that's where the food is, etc.
And please please please remember that all babies are different! Figure your daughter out as an individual, find out what she likes/wants/needs--forget what some nanny-author who never had children says babies need to be. Try suggestions if you like them, but forget 'em if they don't work or make either of you crazy! There is nothing that is right for every child, every family.
I think my boys are a great example, especially when it comes to sleep. With my first, we co-slept--I never considered not doing so, didn't even buy a crib or set up a room for him. And he'd still sleep by me at 5 if given the choice. Many would say this is because of the early co-sleeping, but then I have to say 'look at my younger son.' I had the same plans for him. He slept with me the first couple of months, then i started putting him in the bassinet by the bed for the first few hours before bringing him to bed with me (actually i tried this with my first, too, but i couldn't sleep that way). By 6 months, my younger son would NOT sleep next to me. I'd try, i still try 2 years later, and he's just plain restless until he's in his crib. Just a different personality. But he's more of a daytime cling-on than my older one was a this age.
You just never know!
Congrats on new baby, enjoy her! I know time is probably moving slowly right now but it really does go by fast, very soon!!!