I vote for the janitors. You can write a thank-you to the P and VP, but I'd definitely give those two items to the janitors.
I am preparing gifts for my son's teachers. I was able to get all of his teachers a little something thanks to an idea from Pinterest.com and buying in bulk. I'd love to buy for everyone my son encounters, but I can't. So I have acrylic cups for all his teachers and the secertaries (who have helped me countless times!)> I have two cups left. At first I thought I'd give them to the principal and vice principal. But I am starting to waiver. I know from teaching experience how much the janitors do each day. The two at our school always greet me and have even had the displeasure of cleaning up my son's vomit. The principal has said hello to me once (I am a volunteer and at the school often) and I am not really sure who the VP is. BUT...I know all they have to do for the school. So....who gets the gift, the principals or the janitors.
We gave our little gift to the janitors. I am so glad I did. They were so appreciative and surprised. My son and I will write a card for the principals this evening.
Thanks ladies!
I vote for the janitors. You can write a thank-you to the P and VP, but I'd definitely give those two items to the janitors.
I would say the janitor's because I bet most don't acknowledge them. What a great idea BTW!!!
My husband is an elementary school principal in Irving. And despite the fact that he works hard and long hours I would vote the janitor as well. They really know how to keep the school running and are under-appreciated for the most part. Like you said, they also clean up vomit - that will get my vote every time.
I was the ONLY M. out of 350 families to give the janitors a gift. Guess who started watching my child's back when the bullies messed with her at lunch. Guess who helped me move furniture so my husband could roll his wheelchair in a side door and sit among the parents without blocking the aisle. The janitors will appreciate it more than you know.
Janitors, by far! They are underappreciated and such a valuable resource. Our school district fired the janitors years ago and have paid so much more in repairs on boilers because the temps they hire for janitors don't know how to maintain them. Cold schools.... The janitors are also the built-in eyes and ears of any school. I think they see a lot more than the kids know.
The janitor. Besides, he's the one that will chit chat with your son everyday at lunch too. Might as well give them something else to talk about!! How nice of you.
as a former custodian, I vote for them!!!! It is such a thankless job!!!
I too vote for the janitors...but it looks like you should already have your decision from the consensus of pro-janitor votes below. :)
I vote for the janiters. I am a teacher. The janiters are there for the teachers and the students everyday. They smile, they encourage, they are amazing and not really noticed. As a teacher, I always gave one particular janiter a gift each Christmas, for I did notice and appreciated him so much. The principal will get gifts from every teacher, so he/she is not left out. That is soooooooo nice that you thought of doing that.
Definitely the janitor. They do so much, for very little and work such long shifts. We have 1 woman and she unlocks the school at 6am and stays until 6pm, sometimes later when the night crew flakes out.
On a side note its always nice to give to special areas like art, music, pe. Those teachers have loads to do with teaching everyone in the school while the classroom teacher is only responsible for 18. I may be a little biased since I am a specials teacher, but nothing is more thoughtful than even a card over a gift expressing how much their child loves my class.
I would opt for the janitors. One year I bought boxes of chocolate covered cherries and my daughter and I handed them out to the lunch staff and the janitors. We felt that they were the unsung heroes and no one ever thought to send them a gift. The response was great! We were right, they never expected it an it totally made their day.
Don't give a gift to the principal. Give the janitors the gifts instead. The principal makes good money and no one ever thinks of the janitors.
Really and truly.