Gifts for Friend

Updated on July 24, 2009
K.G. asks from Valley City, OH
7 answers

I have a friend who is turning the big 50 a party is planned I need an idea on a gift I thought about a certificate for a spa but don't know if that would be appropriate because I don't plan on going with her any ideas?

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answers from Indianapolis on

A gift to a reputable spa or her favorite spa is a great idea. As women, we love to be pampered and usually never get alone time. So, even though you love her and would like to join her, I am confident that she will thoroughly enjoy her spa time--alone. Go for it!! ;-)



answers from Indianapolis on

Giving a gift card to a spa doesn't mean obligate you to go with her. I've given my neighbor who babysits our kids many gift cards to the salon we both like to go to, and it never occurred to me to go with her...just figured she'd like to go alone or take her daughter or mother with her, which is what usually happens, and I'm not offended at all! :)

Although I do understand your concern.

You can also try getting her a gift card to her favorite restaurant or a favorite specialty shop (Like a gourmet shop like Frazier's on 96th street?).

Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

Hi, K.! As a scrapbook junkie, I always suggest a small album if you have photos. If you don't have photos, you can make an album for her with pre-decorated pages, so she can just pop her own pictures into the album and have an instant memory book! You could also give her a nice scrapbook pen so she can journal in her new album. Just a suggestion!! Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

Are you kidding?? I would LOVE a certificate to a spa...even if I had to go by myself! going with a friend would be nice, but if it's FREE....I'll go by myself! Give her the certificate for a day of pampering...she'll love it!!



answers from Indianapolis on

The Spa thing is okay, but maybe a good massage someplace would be just as good. Maybe a certificate for a good dinner theater would be as great or even an evening at a good comedy club.



answers from Cleveland on

I would give a spa g/c. I am sure she would appreciate it even if you cant go with her. Perhaps you can offer to go to lunch or dinner with her afterwards. Any relaxing/alone time is good because we cant always justify doing things for ourselves!!



answers from Indianapolis on

I think that kind of thing would be VERY appropriate and you don't HAVE to go with her. Manicure, pedicure, massage, etc. ANY of that would be GREAT! Helping someone feel good about themselves when they turn 50, which can be traumatic for some people. Great books are always good, too, especially for those who are avid readers.

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