Well, I don't have actual recipes to share, but I have a few tips that have helped me in shedding pounds even when I did not follow a rigid diet .... here they are:
eat a mix of nuts (walnuts,almonds,pecans,brazil,hazel,etc) about 20-30 minutes before your main meal ... nut oils help line your stomach and create a feeling of fullness, so you don't eat too much food in one sitting
take longer than 20 minutes to eat your meals ..... it takes about 20 minutes from your first bite, for the brain to process the signal from your stomach, so you start feeling full. If you have hardly eaten half your meal in the first 20 minutes, you will still feel satiated.
Divide your daily volume intake into more meals a day. More frequently you eat (ideally, every 3-4 hours), your metabolism keeps working to digest the food. The longer it works, more calories you burn. Moreover, if periods of starvation between meals is longer, your body gets into the starvation survival mode, so it starts storing more fat from each meal, for later use during the next starvation intervals.
Make & maintain muscle mass. Muscles burn more fat to maintain themselves. When people with more muscles skip a meal, they lose more weight, faster. Do muscle exercise every other day .. give them a day to heal from all that stretching & straining.
Create a routine and feed your body at the same time every day. It takes 2 weeks for your body to learn what your intake routine is (if there is one!). Then your body feels comfortable about predicting the next meal and stores less fat, because it can rely on the meal's frequency.
Eat hot foods .... hot peppers boost your metabolism & help you lose weight.
Sleep more. Longer sleep helps maintain muscle (that burn fat) and releases hormones that discourage fat storage.
Do not stress. Stress releases cortisol that slows your metabolism and increase your waistline.
Keep away from refined sugars .... if you have a sugar craving, try a small piece of dark chocolate or munching on baked sweet potato 'fries' (they are sweet!), fresh fruit medley, baby carrots, etc
I hope these tips help you & your husband .... enjoy your cruise! You said you have lost 70 lbs already ... do you have any tips/recipes to share with me?