Our child wanted out of the crib at 1 year. We took the crib out while our child was not home one morning. We placed it in our storage shed so she would not see it.
We actually purchased a queen bed, since we only have 2 bedrooms. We placed one side of the bed up against a wall and borrowed a guard rail that sticks in between the mattresses.
The day we set it up, we sat in the bed and read books to her and played with some of her toys while in the bed. We talked about staying in bed at night just like her old bed.
We allowed her to pick the toys or books she wanted to sleep with. We also had her take her nap in the new bed. That evening, we sat next to the bed in a chair to read to her. She was excited and it took a little bit longer for her to get to sleep.
We had friends that did not actually set up the bed frame at first. They would just place the mattress on the floor. They were worried about their child rolling off of the bed. They also placed the mattress up against a wall. Once they were pretty sure their child would not roll off, they would set up the bed frame.