Yes, I have used a few home organizers.
Each person has their own pace and feel and approach and I would recommend you chat with a few before hiring one.
The first gal I hired worked waaaaay too fast for me and I was exhausted and even upset by the end of her help.
The last gal I absolutely adore, and I found her at church oddly by sitting next to her in the pew. Her going rate was only $30/hr but her style and calm, relaxing approach to organizing has stuck with me. For instance, I have a huge wall/book unit in our formal LR and she went through all of my art/glass type pieces and placed 1 piece per shelf. It's stunning to see when I walk in the house now. And I receive many compliments on it when we entertain. I would have never thought of that simple approach. I would have added books and family pictures, etc and ended up with too much on it.
I always have 3 piles going on my house: 1 for Goodwill, one to pass on as hand me downs, and if you have clothes/shoes that are nice enough for resale then start up that bag as well.
Remember, a place for everything and everything in it's place. Only keep things you absolutely love. Otherwise, re-gift or give away for someone else to enjoy.
Take pictures of your kids artwork and keep only a few items from each year unless you truly have a Monet in the making.
Start a tub in each kids closet with baby keepsakes that you want to keep for them.
You have to invest in organizing your home like you would in any hobby or interest. Work on one area at a time and don't stop to clean the bathroom when you walk into return something, and realize it needs a quick wipe down...stay focused on that one area. Even if it takes you all week to complete just the entry way, you'll feel great when it's super tidy and how you like it. Then announce to the family that it staying that way only if they help.