Please go to headlice.org and get informtion about head lice. So much stuff on the market is useless and just a waste of money. Please go and read all the information at this web site. I have over 13 years in child care and this is the site I always send my parents. It is informative and correct. We have had lice twice and I did not use the shampoos or any other chemical on the market. I washed the girls waist length hair in normal shampoo and conditioned it to make combing easier. I parted her hair off into about 50 pony tails and combed each one, removing live bugs and any nits, putting the nits into a glass of water. She never had a flare up days later due to every bug and nit being gone.
As long as the hair is wet it is easy to see nits and bugs. I used a lighted magnifying glass from Staples to see but my friend didn't use any device to help. All 3 kids were lice free that day by following these instructions.