Hi C.,
I have to second the little fruit kabob idea. I'm always impressed by those and they are so healthy. I think they are a bit different and parents will appreciate a healthy snack for their child. Maybe you could add a marshmallow to jazz it up? Kids seem to think it is rather fun to pull the fruit off of those too.
As a preschool teacher, I sure do miss those homemade treats as they are so yummy although I'm surprised your school allows them. DCFS states that all food must be store bought at our school. This way, we can be in control of the ingredients and check the labels due to all of the allergies. You don't have that control if things are homemade. And some children are just deathly allergic to things. I was told it was the sprinkles on the typical jewel and dominicks cupcakes as they are on the same conveyer belt as the nuts or something so we can't have them at school in our nut free rooms. And then we have the kids with the egg allergies so they can't have cake or cupcakes but some cookies. Man, its getting complicated since I started teaching 12 years ago.
You wouldn't BELIEVE the rise in food allergies and allergies in general with our students. I have children in my program that are allergic to dairy, nuts, eggs, wheat.. you name IT! Our school last year now provides the snack to the children and parents pay an annual snack fee. We eat a lot of fresh fruit which is great for everyone, including ME! ha. Those little debbie things are just toxic!!! but they are cheap and parents would buy them many times or not read the labels and buy things we couldn't pass out becuz of allergies.
I think if we start teaching the kids about healthy foods at an early age, its a good thing. ( I know, I love cake and cookies just like everyone else.. I do!)