It sounds like your daugher is overly tired. Try putting her to bed when you notice her calming down and becoming more relaxed in the evening. Do it BEFORE she becomes cranky. Even if this means at 6:30 in the evening. She more than likely won't wake up any earlier in the morning, her body is just trying to get caught up on the sleep that was lost. Watch for sleep cues and follow them throughout the day for naps not the clock.
With that said, try to keep with your bedtime routine you had before vacation but don't let her get too worked up if she doesn't just go to sleep. Try staying with her in her room and hold her hand while she is in her crib or if possible lay down with her in her crib until she falls alseep and put a step stool on the ground to help you get out quietly. She just sounds too tired to sleep comfortably and since she is not getting the proper amount of REM sleep she is never feeling rested and able to recover from the day before. Good Luck and Sweet Dreams!!