I wouldn't recommend letting an 8 week old cry himself to sleep under any circumstance. Crying is their only way of communicating that they need something, it just hasn't been figured out yet :-) He may need cuddling, rocking, snuggling, walking, nursing....whatever it takes. Or maybe he isn't ready for bed when you are trying to put him down? Every kid is different. Is the environment set up for sleep (calm, quiet, dim)...do you have a sling? Most babies will fall asleep well by being in a sling close to mommy (or daddy). Does he fall asleep in bed next to you while nursing? That was always the best way to get both my kids to sleep in the day/night. Don't worry about all the 'warnings' of creating habits...these are babies/kids and only need us for such a short time in their lives. Enjoy being 'needed' while it lasts! How about a cozy swing or bouncer? I would say he is totally normal and not to stress or try to force him to sleep on your schedule...it's one of those natural things that doesn't work well to be forced :-) I notice on this list that lots of moms are battling with 'natural bodily functions' like sleep and eating....
I see that some people mentioned 'not having enough milk'....this is rare, and is what most people think when their baby is fussy, but usually isn't true. If it is, you can take some natural supplements yourself like fennugreek, drink red raspberry leaf tea or coconut milk or pump an extra couple times a day to tell your body to make even more...You could always speak to a lactation consultant if you are concerned, but don't give up the breastfeeding, it sounds like you are doing well. Call Lucille at the Morton Plant in Clearwater. It is FREE to have a phone or in-person consult. There is also a Nursing Moms Care and Share group that meets there every 1st and 3rd Fri of the month where you can ask lots of moms questions in a very comfy informal setting. The lactation consultant is there and you can ask anything related to nursing, sleep issues, parenting, anything! Lots of great advice from other moms, in-person! Please check it out! Best wishes!