I remember those days. I did not co sleep, but I did breastfeed all of my children until they were a little over a year old. I was up most of the night with my first born until she was 12 months nursing her every two hrs. I was tired and frustrated. When she turned a year I started letting her cry a little more. She did cry a little the first night, but within a few days she was sleeping pretty much through the night. I wont tell you that its easy. It was very very hard. But in the end it was worth it. A over tired mom cannot always be the best mom. Sleep is important.
With the boys, since there was two of them (twins) I didnt have the option to feed them all night long. They nursed through the night until they were probably 9 months old, probably every three hrs or so. Then I started to also let them cry a little more. They found comfort in their pacifiers and their teddy bears and blankets. Now they are almost two and sleeping great. Its a hard battle, and I wish you all the luck. In the end you will know what to do. Every parent finds a different method that works for them. Every child is different so you have to figure out what is effective with your daughter.