A 4 year old might not have developed the fine motor skills to color as well as the other kids. So he might refuse to do it at all. Just like walking and talking, kids learn to handle crayons, forks, pencils etc at different rates. It is important that he learn to follow instructions. Ask him to get things for you. And increase the number of instructions as he is able to understand. For example. Son get mommy a tissue please. Son go into the bathroom and get mommy a tissue. Son go in the bathroom under the sink and get mommy a tissue and also my hairbrush on the counter. He should be able to remember 2 or 3 things at a time. HOWEVER..one of my boys could never follow directions and I learned much later that he had ADD. He was never hyperactive so no one suspected until he was tested in 6th grade. One of my regrets. :(