I used to worry about what my kids ate as they grew up. Lord knows we hear all this advice on television and radio and in the newspapers about children and eating disorders. What worked for me, and my kids are now teenagers, is to let them be picky. You are doing the right thing by being a good example, and all you can do is give them the right choices and hope they make the right decisions based on those choices. But now looking back, when I stressed about my kids wanting to eat cereal every night, I have to laugh because there was nothing really wrong with that. At least they were eating, and cereal has a lot of good things in them, if you buy something other than the really junky sweet stuff.
Growing up we were just trained to think that if they don't eat what we've grown up to learn as the "ideal meals" ex; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, then there's something wrong with that. No, cereal can be very good at supplying vitamins as well. So long as they get some veggies and meat now and then I don't see why they can't just eat what they want. As it turns out, my kids are not overweight or underweight. They eat when they are hungry, and don't when they aren't, isn't that more normal than forcing them to eat when they don't want to? And, I have noticed that if they eat too much junk they'll get sick. Their bodies have a way of telling them when they've over done it. How will they learn what their body wants if they forced to eat something that doesn't appeal to them? Sometimes they have to learn by experience and not just guidance. I say, be open with them, let the kids know your concerns about how they are eating, but let them eat cereal if that's what they want. Why make your own life hell just because they won't eat meat and veggies like the television ads suggest?
At our house we've always given them that freedom. "We're having this for dinner, if you don't want that you can make your own". (as soon as they were old enough to make their own stuff, and sometimes my daughter was so lazy that she chose not to eat, and still does that) I let them know when I think they've had too much sugar, or have been over doing the sodas, or if I am concerned they haven't eaten or had enough water, and leave it at that. They agree usually and cut back, or add what I've pointed out that they are missing. It's amazing! Also, they got over wanting cereal all the time.
I say, just give her a choice and let her decide. You can even give her two choices, and they can both be healthy choices, that way she feels she gets to make the decision, and you feel good knowing she's eating right.
One more thing, it's also been found to be true that grazing (lots of small "good for you" snacks, is actually better than three big meals, I know you've heard this too, and I find it to be so true) lots of small doses of food to hold you over keeps you from binging and over eating at large sit down meals. But family time at a meal is important too, so a good gathering for a meal now and then is good too. Food can get boring too. Let her be creative.
My daughter is 14, 5'5" and weighs about 107-110 lbs, a bit on the thin side but very happy about it. My son is 15, 5'7" and weighs about 120 lbs, works out at the school gym, and looks perfectly average for his age. I'm very happy with how they've turned out so far. She has always been a very picky eater, and cut out soda three years ago on her very own. I never told her not to drink soda, but I'm glad she realized how un-necessary it is. My son loves soda, and now coffee, and occassionally I have to point out that he should drink water more often, and I cut him off with the caffeine by 7 or 8pm if it's a school night. He seems upset but agrees that it's probably a good idea. He needs sleep. Yes we give them a hard time, we don't ignore their health, but it's their decision. They are little people who are searching for control of their own lives little by little. Why not give them the opportunity to choose and learn and grow that way?
Being that I worked the nights,5pm to midnight, and my husband worked the days,6am to 4pm, one of us was always home with them, but my husband didn't like to be a "short order cook" so if they didn't like what he fixed for dinner, he told them to make something else. I used to hate that. I felt bad that they weren't getting a good meal at dinner every night. I'd come home and there would be cereal bowls everywhere. But now and then I'd be home at night (I worked part time) so I'd just make that the night when we'd try to have a nice meal together. They liked those occassions when we had meat, rice, and a salad for a change.
This worked for us. I hope this helps. Let me know what you think.