This is hard for you on so many levels but for your children you have to find a way to be ok.
I myself am facing several diffrent decisions in my life right now and with so many different things going on its hard to get even through one of them.
Take a step back and a deep breath and separate it all instead of looking at the whole jumbled up mess all at once and deal with one issue at a time.
I think women from all body types, facial structure ans beliefs, if they are caring parents tend to question their decisions especially if they are doing it on their own.
I worry much more about the parents who just know they are doing everything right and nobody ever better tell them anything cause they know everything. Close minded parenting does not leave any room for learning new skills.
Questioning yourself means you love your children enough to get it right.
I feel (just my opinion) that sleep overs for either you or your ex with a very short termed or new boy/girl friend is def sending wrong signals to a child, the whole dating and starting over thing, my opinion, that you or ex should date without children meeting for a couple of months. See if is going anywhere then a meet the child slowly over time and let things develop, I think it shows a very high lack of concern for the children's well being that your ex is not being low key in his dating, and this could lead to a trail of women in and out of his and the childrens life. You have a right to be upset in how that affects the children and you DO have a say in how that is being handled. Try to work that part out with him and if not then sadly you may have to go back to court.
It reinforces that You did not make a bad choice, His parenting skills lack if he shows no discrection on bringing a new woman in with very short dating time for an overnighter.
But again, this has to be about what he is subjecting the children to, and cant be about the fact that he is dating.
If he is caring for his children is careful and does not bring them around the children, he has the right to date whomever or whomevers he like and that part you have to let go of.
You have to feel better for you, being plus sized is not a death sentence. Its so hard to motivate when you feel depressed and seeing him move on is very hurtful I know.
But somehow for you and for your children you have to find a way to take the high road and get better for you.
Enjoy the children and find ways to find the good things in you and build on those, say or write positive sentences about yourself and say them until you believe them.
Join single parent support groups, find support from any corner you can, find a way to block out the his moving on thing and spend that energy on finding a way back to your own happiness. Once you move on and get happy with who you are, it will be amazing that men will come out of the woodwork.
If your miserable and unhappy your def going to attract the wrong kind of man who will prey on your vulnerability.
If your happy and confident in yourself that is when the right kind of man comes along, and it will work because you are already ok with who you are.
The children will benefit when your happy as well because they can sense your unhappiness.
They need you and count on you to be their beacon, think of that blessing, you have two beautiful children to love.
If the weight is really getting to you, then get on a buddy plan with someone to try to lose the weight, include the kids, you all can do sit ups together or play music and just dance around and be silly. Find joy in the little things and time WILL pass. Everyday day you survive, it will hurt just a little bit less and you get get just a little bit stronger.
The best of luck to you