My 2 year old sleeps through the night every night. He has slept with my husband and I since the day he was born. My husband and I both work outside of the house and we value our sleep and we decided long ago that the best thing for our family was one big family-style bed. At 8pm every night my son climbs into bed, rests his head on his own pillow and listens to a lullaby CD until he falls asleep. There is no arguing, no bribing, and no crying. Either my husband or I will lay with him until he is comfortable in the dark and is still and then he’s on his own. Later in the night, when we go to bed he’s fast asleep and is not even bothered by us. We all sleep peacefully through the night and are rested every morning for work and school. We do not need to get up every hour to persuade him to go back to bed and we certainly don’t feel the need to make threats about taking away his favorite toy. I believe that as he gets older and wants his own space he will make that decision himself and it will be a natural progression into his room, which he has and is very aware that it’s his personal space. I am also 37 weeks pregnant and we are preparing for our daughter and my son is very excited about bringing home his sister. She will begin sleeping in a co-sleeper attached to the side of my bed, just as my son did and we will gradually introduce her to the family-bed. While I think my son will be interested in having his sister sleep with him at first I know as he gets older his personal space will become very important to him and he will make the switch on his own. I think it’s important for kids to grow at their own pace and not every kid (not any kid really) should be shoved into his bedroom, behind a closed door and told he has to go to bed or else his favorite toy will bite the dust. No child could sleep with all that pressure. I don’t know when putting our kids to bed became such a choir; bedtime should not be so frightening.
Why fight your son? Let him sleep with you and you will both have a peaceful night. It won’t last forever and he certainly won’t still be sleeping with you as a teenager. Kids are kids for such a short amount of time. Don’t fight him, enjoy him.