My son is now 11 mnths old, he started acting out as you described about 1 1/2 mnth ago. I wasn't sure what to do and it was really starting to push my buttons, as I'm not perfect and I do have stress and anxiety limits, as do the rest of you.
When I first sat down and thought about disipline, I wasn't sure of the right method, I grew up on spankings, timeouts and the big "N" word(no). I always said I would never do those things to my child, because they didn't have much of an effect on me. However, No is a very powerful word in our home. My son knows, that when he is told know, that is his last chance, or he will be removed from the situation. We do not give timeouts, but we removed him and let him sit with us on the couch and we talk to him. I believe that even if he doesn't graps everything that I am saying or what exactly it means, that he will catch on sooner or later. So we explain to him what he was doing and why it was wrong or dangerous. We also do NOT tolerate tantrums. I do not allow my child to act up in public or at home, whether with company or not. I'm not sure how I trained him this way, but when he was younger I would give him a very firm no and raise my eyebrow(it's a bad habit), now if he starts acting up, all I have to do is raise my eyebrow.
Everyone I know says that with or without me he's the best behaved child they know.
I wish I had the ultimate answer for you, but I think that it's a learning process and that you've got to figure out what works for you and you're son.