Hi A.. I noticed you are in Yuba City, so am I. I too worked full time and went to school almost full time and I found it difficult to make friends locally due to my hectic and sometimes stressful schedule. Your doing good right here, you'll meet and make some really nice people/friends. May I suggest joining a church or if financially fesable, a gym and since I don't know much about your work or the position you hold, if possible theres several mommy networks out there. I belong to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers - really age 0-5)and we meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday a month at the Nazarene off of George Washington at 9:30am and there is Moms in Motion who have things going on every day of the week, you don't have to go to every one, just pick the ones you'd be interested in. Well I hope this is some encouragment and please feel free to email me.