I had mine stripped and it was very uncomfortable and did hurt but it was worth it! I was a few days overdue and was happy to have it done. I started uncomfortable contractions that night. After not having her by the next day. I stayed on my feet all day cooking up a storm and cleaning the house letting gravity take it's toll. I said I'm having this baby tonight!!! I was so done with being pregnant! Sure enough 6:21am that next morning we said hello to her!
What is up with all these Dr.'s not asking or even telling?! I feel for all you girls. My midwife discussed it with me and we thought that would be the best route. I had never even heard of it before then. While she was doing it she was saying how I would probably be swearing at her that night. She was right! I would certainly do it again especially when you are down to the last leg of your pregnancy.