This may not help now, but in the future....get a home warranty on your property. It costs about 400-500 for the basic plan (per year) and covers these expenses with a $60 copay for a professional visit. We needed a $2000 AC repair this past summer and only paid the $60 when they showed up to fix it. Of course our seller paid $450 originally for the warranty. But we still made out better than the full $2000. We went ahead and renewed it for this year. They will fix what they can and if they can't fix it they will replace it. The warranty also covers some common household appliances. It is well worth it if you know you'll be needing it in the future. You do not have to be a new homeowner either, just search out some companies on the internet and contact a realtor for some information. Most people only get the warranties when they first purchase a home, but you can get it at any time and you can keep it for as long as you want, not just the first year. Well worth it!