Actually, I'm kind of encouraged that she just talked to herself and stayed put. She didn't panic, scream, or come get you or demand her pacifier. It sounds almost like she's self-soothing with the talking and staying in one place. Maybe that's a good thing.
Are you sure she was staring at the ceiling the whole time? Maybe she dropped off a bit? I suppose if you have a monitor and watched her yourself, you're sure. Which means you are both exhausted.
In any case, she can't keep this up for long. You'll have a crappy day or 3, and so will she, and then it will resolve itself. It's the 3-year-old version of Ferberizing or teething or any other transition that babies go through.
Let her work it out herself with her own coping methods. Just don't plan anything major for a few days, so you can give in to the exhaustion. Praise her for doing a good job in her bed, but don't go overboard and make a huge deal out of it.