I had biting problems with my oldest (now 17) and my youngest bites (21 months). My son got better when I switched him to a home day care. I decided that he was just too overwhelmed with the number of children there. We tried everything with him. He only bit at day care, though, never at home. My daughter is not in day care, but she will bite at church when other kids take something from her or if she just wants something someone else has and she also bites at home when she is either frustrated or overly excited. I don't have a lot of advise but it is a fairly common problem. Knowing what sets it off is a good beginning. With my son it seemed to be a reflexive thing, nothing in particular seemed to instigate it, while with my daughter we can see a pattern. She is not in day care, which is a good thing with her biting. Sometimes giving the child something...a pillow or soft toy...to bite on when he feels the urge to bite helps. Its really hard at this age since their communication skills are so minimal usually. My daughter still is not too verbal which is why i think she is still biting. I'm sorry if this wasn't much help, but it may help just to know that you arent alone in dealing with a "biter". The advise telling them to explain to him that it hurts is good, in theory, but it's hard when you don't know if the child even understands the word "hurt" at 13 months.