If you have any interest in having a child with him there are ways to do that where your tubes are skipped. You know that right?
This might be a question you can make an appointment with your OB/GYN to talk about.
My tubes were scarred from Endemetriosis and I couldn't get an egg down them. The doc talked to us about in-vitro and gift and several options. We decided we didn't want to do all that so we didn't have kids. I have a daughter from my first marriage and she has 7 kids and I am raising some of them.
THEN, then once you have the final say from the doc you can sit down with this guy and have an open conversation with him.
"Guy, I would like to take a few minutes to sit down and talk about something. When I had sweetie pie #2 I had my tubes tied because we didn't want to have more kids. I know it's important to you to have kids and I made an appointment with my OB/GYN and talked to them about this, to see if I had any options of getting pregnant.
Glad to say that the doc said there are options for me to have another child."
Then talk about the options the doc said. Hopefully there are ovaries and a healthy uterus for a baby to grow in.
If he's a good worker and has good insurance or you have good insurance you can both look into what they'll cover as to helping you get pregnant. I think most of the time you have to save up and pay cash for things like this on your own though.
To say it again, talk to your doc to find out if there are any options for you to get pregnant. You have all the parts they're just not connected anymore. That's an easy fix if you really want to have a baby or two or three more....lol.
Then find out what part, if any, your own health insurance will cover. So you can have as many details as possible.
Then sit down and talk to him about it. If you can't possibly carry a child due to health issues or you just don't want to I think you do have to be completely honest with him. He deserves to make that decision now, before his heart is involved more. If he really really wants to have children of his own he should be able to have that. If he gives that up he might be perfectly happy with your kids and having a family together. Then he might not be able to accept that.
But cover your bases first to see if a pregnancy is even possible.