T., T., T.,
He's the one that is being selfish!!!! I am a 30 year old mother of two daughters pregnant with my third. I have been married and divorced because I will not let any man control me. I can assure you that you are not the one being selfish. Men are such self centered babies, most of them can't function without a women around to lead them, but they want all of the control. STOP thinking about what he says and start thinking about #1....YOU. If you're not happy, then you cannot be a good mother to your son and a wife to your husband. No one can be around their children 24/7 and have any sanity, it's not healthy for either one of you. If I were you, I would be out an hour riding 3 times a week AT LEAST!!!!!! And I would turn off my cell phone and teach your husband to fend for himself, he's never going to learn how to be an ACTIVE participant as a parent and father, unless he can do it for himself. So what if he gets a little vomit or pee on him, it won't hurt either one of them, and trust me after he is thrown into like that without your help, he will learn to appreciate what you do all day. The only reason that he is putting you on a guilt trip is because he doesn't want to take on the responsibility himself and chip in. If he loved you than he would be encouraging you to get away and have some time to yourself. My boyfriend watches my girls for me so I can go and shop or get a pedicure because he realizes how hard I work and never have any alone time. Throw it right back in his face and tell him that he is the one that is selfish, it's 2007 girl, things are not like they were 50 years ago!!! Tell him to suck it up, be a man, and take some responsibility for the kid that he helped create. There are not many mothers today that had a child by themselves and signed up to take full responsibility for them. If you don't take control of this now it will only get worse, I PROMISE, your son is only a year old now, just wait until he's two and 5 and 10 then you will really pulling your hair out. Trust me, when you show a little authority with a man, they get intimidated, back down, and change their tune. YOUR DOING NOTHING WRONG!!!!