T.-It can absolutely be a yeast overgrowth--candida!! It is a parasite that once is overgrown so badly it affects the brain, gut, intestines and is a mold toxin!! Your body is reacting to it by these side effects. Google candida and see what comes up, you will be amazed. Get on a good cleansing program and do a detox and get on some really high quality probiotics. Further-you are going to have to change what you eat!! Limit dairy and no sugar--it fuels candida growth. Organic fruits and veggies-but limit fruits high in sugars such as oranges, watermelon and peaches. Increase some good sald greenns with apple cider vinegar and olive oil dressing. (check out braggs.com for recipes!!)
Also-if you eat red meat or pork you have some other parasites significantly increasing these awful symptoms.
I have a simple, comprehensive one page document called the blueprint for good health which can help. You will want to get on a parasite cleanse thru a health food store or an internet company such as vitacost or naturalwebstore.com.
If you want a list of comprehensive websites and books let me know but start with the Detox Strategy by Brenda Watson--she has been featured on PBS (has a website too) and has written numerous books on the subject.
I guarantee if you change just a few things you will notice a tremendous difference!!
Good luck
Detox Coach