Dear D. M,
I just love you. You are so real with thoughts and feelings. It is not easy to balance the catch 22 position of being caught parenting while being a working Mom also. It will drive you to early chill pill age. I was forced to make the choice that I wanted all along. I never articulated the thought until I had to leave the military with three small children. I dearly wanted to be a stay at home mom to my children. I had bought into the hipe of the American Dream. Being the Super Woman...doing more before 9am than most people do all day. I wanted the House with lawn, at least a jacuzzi bath tub. I wanted a clean house for my husband to come home to. I imagined dinner on the table by 5:30pm, a short walk or bikes after. Games, bed prep then alone time with the hubby, that is if he is not asleep before I am. And I wanted that paycheck in my own name that spelled RESPECT with SUCCESS. My health, the health of my children and aging parents caused me to live the reality of being lucky to cook one meal a day,then clean the kitchen the same day(somedays). I finally scaled down to a meal I could cook in one pot, clean bathrooms, observed what secret weapons were being unleashed upon my children that would trigger fevers or diarreah,eye aches and such. Then make sure mom & dad (85)made it to their doctor appointments, then make sure they too had at least one hot meal a day. We actually live across town from Mom & Dad. I have no real outstanding debt except for my mortgage, car insurances, utilities, grocery, health care and maintainance on a second-hand car. Nor do I have any 'extra money'. I save all year for springbreak vacation. I also start in January doing creative clothes shopping to beef up the wardrobes as Christmas presence. Collecting and making things for Christmas presence, baking for outside gifts for Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries. I even put trim on old bed spreads to make my bedroom look redecorated. The point is, I only have about 10 short years to spend with my children as children then their youth is no more. If I spend the time at home making cookies, finger painting, singing songs, then as teenagers we bond during the transition to advisor with a listening ear. Then our children will have that warm, confident, talking relationship with us into adulthood. We just must make the time for them NOW. Forget working. Take in a little babysitting, a little house cleaning or laundry, a little cooking for our neighbors and friends for a few extra bucks. We can always go back to work when they head out to college. Don't believe you need that much extra money to sell their childhood for fast food, missing science fair,missing music recitals, or staying at home with them until the fevers are all past. You only need a mother when you can't do it for yourself. After that you can pay someone else after you are grown. Mother is really needed about 10-13 years. After that, you really begin more of an advisory role. If you miss the early years or treat the earlier years like advisory years, there is too often more crisis than ordinary between 14-18. When we think about it, we really want that time as parents. Children don't care about designer sheets and room makeovers. They want love, hugs, patched quilts, friends over, time for them, homemade treats,parents who are availabe, unique outings with laughter and pictures. They will never miss the money. They will always think you did what interest you, and not because you didn't have enough money to do something else. Shut the world out at the sidewalk until it is time for your precious children to walk out the door and down that sidewalk to make their contribution in life. If you are too busy now, they are not going to discover their gifts while they are young enough to dream about taking on their roles from childhood. If they are 16 & 18 trying to find out what it is they are suppose to do, they are going to feel that you let them down. Scripture tells us bring up a child in the way he (she) should go. What is your child's natural bendt. They are no longer children at 12 and 13. They have become adolescent at that age. They should be moving into the second phase of who they are to become. The kid that want to be a fireman at 9 is deciding that she really wants to be a navy seal at13 and is trying to get into the earliest leadership course. Direction is set already. But the kid who is still looking for motherly TIME AND THEREFORE affection at 13 is too often also looking for some outside mentor and some influence to attach to in order to satisfy the longing within. Mother's presence helps the child identify that self satifaction is not found outside of themselves. They help to create the world around them that satisfies their creative abilities. Relax, you don't have to do it all by 35, if you are not parenting alone. But if you are a single parent, then cut your hours at least by one a day. MAKE daily routine the family tradition. Certain meals on certain days. Certain games or chores on certain days. One night family nite. But without question, go home and parent while your babies need you. Corporate babysitting and pass around health care from people who don't want to nuture you will not help to cure what ales MY CHILD. CRY ALL THE WAY HOME BUT GO Home and see about your children. YOU will be sooooooo glad you did. God means for you to parent a while and sleep at night and after middle age, rediscover yourself and make all things new in the career field after parenting. Love ya'