Its funny after reading all the responses saying its the stepmom's fault and that she's crazy, no one is sticking up for her?! Has anyone thought about WHY she's stepping in to do these things...maybe she waited and waited and waited for you to get the job done, and when their school needed immunizations or when the girls hair was too tangly to brush through that's when she stepped in to help. And be there for the kids. Its funny - I think the mom SHOULD be doing all these things, so what's wrong with you? I bet you think its ok for you kids to ride around without helmets on your property, too...its safe right, just cause "there's nothing around to hurt them"? Oh wait the CONCRETE!
Well maybe that was a low blow, I'm sure you aren't as big an idiot as the mom I'm dealing with (as a stepmom). I'm sure you don't send your kids to their dads with smelly breath, and waxy ears, and poop-stains in their pants... oh and not to mention the hundreds of flea bites all over, or the mildewed stained clothes.
I'm just saying - maybe that stepmom saw an obvious lacking in care for the kids... there's always two sides.
Oh and ps - my kids asked to call me mom, and for me to call them my own...think about that??