i just read your email. I am a grown women who has what your daughter is experiencing. I did not know what add was till my own daughter was in the 7th grade. I had gone up to school to see about what we could do help her do better. The teacher mentioned add and i said, well explain what that is....
It hit me that what she was telling me might be true.. So i went home on the computer and for a week looked up everything about add...
Well i learned alot about myself.....and my daughter..
I then know why i always felt different. Why some things that seemed so easy for some people was so hard for me.
It was unbelievable that it would take a book to explain it all....
I look at add as a gift...
You may not understand right now but what happens is that your mind can go many places at once..
Half the world is add and most of the time it is the most talented people you know..
Add is a creative mind that needs to be stimulated,...
Someone who doesnt have it cannot really understand how it works....
I can tell you that helping your daughter stay organized is a hard thing to manage.
My mom was tough when i was growing up. I had to learn to stay organized and what worked for me ...but i was sad alot
because i was very sensitive and always felt different.
As for your daughter im sure if its something she is very interested in she will stay more attentive...
The whole trick is learning to make your add work.. If she learns visually than
use color to help her study....
Problem is most add children are the brightest.....
The smartest business people i know have add
and its so important to keep her self esteem up no matter what..
Dont hide what she has but explain how it can work for her..
I am a mom and can run circles around most of the women i know.. I am involved in lots of things i love to do....
And sometimes when i think i cannot do it all. It turns out that i have done so much more....
Im hard on myself but when i understood how i see the world the whole thing makes sence...
Please encourage your child to get through school and not punish if she cannot focus.. One on one help is usually better for her to learn...large classes are distracting
putting my daughter in private school in 7th and 8th grade helped alot.....at the time..
Now in 9th grade she struggles but when all is said and done has more common sense than most adults...so talented in the arts..of coarse im working on that focusing always.....
Medication is not the answer.....
Teachers are frustrated when they have kids that cannot keep up. My daughter has had a few teachers in her life that have changed that.. Some ofthose teachers were amazing. My daughter would come home with 100 grade because th etecher had a gift of making the class so interesting that she was so in love with learning..
I get very emotional when i think about how some teachers were so mean and made my daughter feel stupid.
Although im not totally against it i feel that learning to live with how she thinks is a better option.....
I hope this has helped
please encourage what ever she has interest in....
I have lived a life of creativity and have made a great living for myself....
Grades in school should not reflect on who you are as a person....
Being happy in life is the key.. So when you find something you love the rest will come........
Good luck