A. - I need some work done right now in my company - it's phone work & we're paying $25 per 100 calls (the calls last approx. 30 seconds a piece - you just call up and ask them what their current price is and then input that price onto an excel sheet - so obviously not selling or anything unpleasant at all) I also need help with database verification, if you're good with access or excel. I haven't set a rate for that yet, but we can talk.
The phone work has to be done sometime between about 6:30am - 6:30pm (when the businesses are open), and the database work can be done at 3 in the morning for all I care.
I have a few moms doing this right now already, but I'd say I probably have about 10 call projects left - about $250's worth. Payment immediate upon completion. I can mail a check, paypal, or just meet you in person & give you cash.
This is definitely just one-time work, but we'll have a lot more opportunities in the next 6 months to do other little projects. (never ever ever selling - it's only data gathering and research)
If you're interested, PM me.