I'm a big fan of credit cards but only when you're in a position to pay them off in full each month.. Since you're carrying a balance, do not use them. Keep them at home hidden in a drawer or cabinet and only use for true emergencies like unforseen medical expense or car repair.
Use cash, you can't spend what you don't have. Also, don't carry a lot of cash with you.
Do you know exactly where all the "how much we have left each month" is being spent? I'm sure most of it is groceries and gas, but what about the others. I know I lot of people who spend money on a cup of coffee, a quick run through the drive thru for a snack, don't feel like cooking let's just pick up take out, etc. This seems to be the area where most people have trouble staying within the budget.
Stay out of the stores. When my kids were little, I would go shopping each week for diapers, etc, and rather just buy my needed supplies, I would walk around the store and would always purchase an extra item or two.
Before purchasing ask yourself, do I really need this or do I just want it.
I'm all for a good deal and stocking up when things are on sale, however, I have the extra funds available to do this. So if it's something that you don't need within the next 2 or 3 weeks, just pass it up.
Your budget should include savings. Try putting away as little as $10 a paycheck.
Is hubby paid twice a month, or every other week. I'm paid every other week, so twice a year a get a third paycheck per month. What do you use it for? For me one is for motor vehicle taxes, the other is for Christmas.
Good luck.