Hi Lauren,
My daughter is now 3 months old and we started a bottle at two weeks due to some exams that I had to take I was going to be away from her all day and she had to get use to the bottle very quickly.
We pick a certain time every day and my husband feed her. So everyday at 12pm my husband feed her. I also feed her when my husband could not and she had not problem taking the bottle from me, my husband or even relatives. I think because she was so young it did not matter.
I have now been back to work since my baby was six weeks old and she still has no issue switching from the bottle to breastfeeding. I really do think it helped introducing it so early. I know both of my sisters waited till later and thier kids never took the bottle.
We still stick with the scheudle of her getting at least one bottle a day even though I am home on the weekends. I tried not giving her a bottle on the weekend and my husband had a hard time come Monday trying to fed her a bottle. At three months my daughter sleeps from 9pm -6am wakes up to eat and then goes back to bed until 9am. So I feed her at 6am and then my husband takes the 9am feeding so that I can get some extra sleep on the weekends. It has really worked out for us.
My only suggestion would be if you are going back to work make sure that your baby breastfeeds and drains your breast's completely before you leave in the morning to head to work. That way you are not full all day long and also it helps to keep your milk production up. I also make sure that once I come home from work that she breastfeeds for the rest of the evening no bottles and it has been working great for us.
Just do what works best for your situation. It always seems to work out..