Costco, has a good one.
Just heat and serve.
Not expensive.
Sure, why not?
Even some fast food places serve "instant" pre-made stuff. Then they plate it themselves to make it look, homemade. I know, my friend who is in the restaurant business, even said so.
Or go to a deli/take out place, and order some. Then take it home, heat and plate it yourself.
I know people that do that per pot-lucks they go to.
They say so, they are not embarrassed. They are not cookers or don't know how to cook well.
I would not use a "box" type though.
Buy/use something that is already pre-made, then take it home, heat it up, you can garnish it with your own stuff/shredded cheese, parsley sprigs as decoration on the dish, to make it look nice.