IUD Question - Villa Park,IL

Updated on November 19, 2008
L.B. asks from La Grange, IL
26 answers

Hi everyone. I have a question regarding an IUD. I have talked to my ob/gyn regarding the IUD and it seems as if it is my best option. I was wondering...is it painful when it is placed, if so how long does it last. Has anyone experienced any complications and what kind of side affects did you have? I'm just curious before I go ahead and put something in my uterus for the next 5 years

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So What Happened?

Thank you to all of the responses that I recieved...I really aprreciate it. I did end up getting the IUD after all of my research it turns out that this is the best option for me. It was the longest 5minutes and some pain but it was worth it since I am not planning on having any more children anytime soon.

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answers from Chicago on

I haven't read any of the other responses, so I apologize if this is a repeat to them. I had an IUD placed in after my daughter was born and it was nothing. It was like a pap, but a little more uncomfortable..but not painful. I have 0 side affects and can't feel a thing...would never know it was inside of me. The process took about 1 to 2 minutes top. I was expecting it to take a long time. Well..good luck and hope you make the best decision for you.

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answers from Chicago on

I totally have to agree with Gail W. Everything she said, I experienced. It was such a strain on my relationship with my husband because I felt miserable all the time and had absolutely no sex drive at all! At first it was great, like she said but then everything changed. And exactly like she said also, the minute I got it out, i felt relief (maybe just in my head). I am in better moods now and happy with my decision to have it removed. Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

I LOVE my IUD!!!! I had it placed about 2 months ago (my baby is 4 months now) and I didn't feel a thing!!!! No cramps or anything!!!! The only inconvenience is that I had a fairly long period, but they say that's completely normal, and some spotting, too. I did a lot of research beforehand, and it was definitely my best option because of breast feeding. Good luck- I think you'll love it!

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answers from Chicago on

I know this maybe a little late, (I am not always right on top of my emails) but I had the IUD put in about 9 months ago and it was a little painful for me. The procedure only lasted about 5 minutes, but it was a very long 5 minutes. I have not had a normal period yet however, my doctor has told me that this is normal. Everything else is wonderful! I would recommend if you do not think that you will be having kids for another 5 years. I had my daughter in January of 2007 and my son in December of 2007. Needless to say that I am done, at least for now. It was a good option for me and sounds like it would be for you too, since you kids are very close in age. Not to mention, it is effective immediately.



answers from Chicago on

I had a paragard copp[er iud placed about a month ago. it wasn't any worse than a bad pap or an easy labor contraction - thewy have you take some advil abioutr an hour before you go in. so far so good for me. copper ones last up to 10 years and mirena lasts 5 years. i love the peace of mind it gives me.



answers from Springfield on

If you are referring to Mirena, I LOVED it at first - how could I not? I didn't have to worry about a pill, and I never had a period! It was great! Or so I thought. I wish I had had all the info myself before making the decision to get it. Even so, I probably still would have gotten it anyway, thinking I wouldn't have the side effects or I'd take my chances. But at least I wouldn't have suffered so long.

So, before you get it, please be aware of potential side effects. Four friends and myself have all had it placed, and only one has not experienced any side effects. In fact, the four of us that had problems were so displeased we had it taken out before a year even went by.

It only took about 10 mins to insert, and there was mild pain during, like a pap smear. Some very mild cramping and spotting followed over the next week. But over the next few months, I started to experience these side effects (and I know it was definitely the Mirena because they've all subsided since I've had it removed): 15 lbs weight gain, excessive bloating, excessively greasy skin & scalp, horrible acne, low energy, low sex drive, mood swings and irritability. No amount of dieting and exercise helped, if I even had the energy to exercise. Almost like what I experienced when I was pregnant, but times ten. Because I had had it inserted as soon as possible after I gave birth, I blamed myself for not being able to shake the pregnancy side effects, and couldn't "snap out of it." Because the Mirena prescribing info doesn't even mention any of these side effects, I never even considered it to be the cause. Luckily my husband actually did think it was that, and did some research. Here's one of the forums he found for me: http://www.aippg.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24435&post... (Even though I had no periods, one friend had heavy heavy long periods and awful cramping.)

So I did some thinking and decided to have it taken out. That very night after it was removed, my emotions were clearer - it seriously was almost like a cloud had been lifted. Even my senses, touch, sight, smell, hearing, were clearer, like they'd been suppressed all that time. And I was suddenly attracted to my husband again!

I'm not trying to discredit the Mirena IUD, It does certainly have pluses: it doesn't take long to insert, it's VERY convenient, if your insurance covers it, it's much much more cost-effective than the pill, and - luckily for people like me - it's super-easy to remove.

I'd say it's worth the try because you can always have it taken out at any time if it doesn't agree with you. But if it's not covered by insurance, I wouldn't take the gamble (it was about $1100 total).

Hope I've helped you L., and anyone else thinking about it!



answers from Chicago on

I have had my IUD for 2 years now and LOVE it! It hurt a little when it was put in, like being pinched with little needles inside your uterus - nothing compared to childbirth though! And it did hurt a little for just a few days after, every once in a while I would get a little pinch. But after that I have not even noticed it. My husband says he feels it sometimes, which he doesn't like, but it doesn't seem to bother too much.



answers from Chicago on

Hi L.,
I have the Mirena IUD which does have some hormones. I love mine & am glad I chose to have it. It did hurt to have it put in, but after 24 hours I was fine. The up side to the Mirena is that you have minimal periods & little to no cramping during your period. The up side to the copper IUD is that it lasts for 10 years & there are no hormones. The down side to the copper IUD is heavier bleeding & cramping during your period. If you have been on the Pill in the past & have had no adverse reactions to it than I would get the Mirena. If you have any sensitivity to the hormones in the Pill than I would choose the copper IUD. The women who report a lower sex drive with the Mirena would most likely also have a reduced sex drive on the Pill. If your insurance covers it I would go for it. If you have any negative side effects they are easy to remove.



answers from Chicago on

I've had one for 8 years. It's great. I'm a Fertile Myrtle and I don't worry a bit. It didn't hurt much at all...that part of your body can withstand an enormous amount of pain. Remember 7 weeks ago? The only symptom I've had is very minor spotting mid cycle.



answers from Chicago on

It wasn't much worse than your average pap test. I was told mine (the hormone-free one) would last about 5 years. I've had it about two years now and I did notice that my periods are heavier and I cramp more (I hardly ever had cramps) when menstruating. So far it has been working perfectly though. I was worried that I would feel it in there, but I don't. My husband hasn't noticed it either. I wish I'd known about this earlier in life, as I've always had problems with the hormones for birth control.



answers from Chicago on

I've had a Mirena for more than 2 years. The placement hurt a bit, but only for a few minutes. I had a lot of cramping that day and spotting that lasted for weeks - I was just about to give up when it finally stopped. My periods are much lighter and almost painless now.

I'm not crazy about the idea of the hormones - I have had some slight side-effects (I gained some weight the first year, which I lost the second year) and some other health odds and ends that, who knows, might be related. But my periods had gotten so heavy and painful the past few years that I had at least one day a month when I was barely able to function.



answers from Chicago on

I had the Mirena put in about 9 months ago. I was scraed to death because so many people told me how bad it hurt to get insetered, etc.... I almost walked out of the docto'rs office in tears because I was so scared. Then the nurse talked to me and told me that she had for about 4 years and she told me exactly what I would feel and it was reassuring. It is uncomfortable, but nothing that is unbearable. You will feel a pinch when they clamp your uterus and some cramping. I took a 600mg Ibubrofen before I went and I was fine. A lot of discomfort and cramping for that day after, but besides that no pain at all. I did spot for about a month or so, but now I have a period every 2 months and it is really light. I love the Mirena and I can't say enough good things about it.



answers from Chicago on

Hi,about 7 months ago, I was "ready" to have IUD or Mirena put in. Then I learned,that it lets conception to happened and then it "kills it".For my live begins in the moment of conception.Then I found out about Nuvaring. Works great for me. You have it for 3 weeks,then take out to have your period/which got much lighter than I used to have/.And then you start new months with new ring again. Just ask about it,if you want.I chose it because it blocks the conception, so it does not happened. Ofcourse, no 100% great working protection, so try. M.



answers from Chicago on

I love the device. Insertion- both times I had one put in, it was like big time cramps, I took Tylenol and felt kind of uncomfortable off and on for 24 hours. Side affects- I was one of the few who expelled one, oddly enough after 9 months, which I noticed because actually felt it, like a tampon slipping. I had another one put in and it's been great for over a year. I am sensitive, so take this with a grain of salt: My cramps are more severe, I bleed more spot and cramp noticeably between periods. But, it has gotten better, suppose my body is getting used to it. Maintenance- Remember to check the strings, you can't be "shy" to do this. It is a monogamous device. I love it!



answers from Chicago on

I'd recommend it to anyone. I have the one that does not have the hormones (can't have them due to migraines), and I love it! It did hurt just a little when it was put in and like the other person said, I had a little minor cramping for a day. I also had some spotting for a couple weeks, but that was it. My periods have been less painful than before and I'm not sure if it's the IUD or just having had 2 kids. I think it's great not having to worry about birth control all the time. It's just there and it works!



answers from Chicago on

The pain I had with Mirena was very minimal, a slight pinch when it was put in and minor cramping for the rest of the day. Also, I spotted for almost six months. It was pretty annoying, but once that period passed, I hardly even get a period. As for side effects, I've had weight gain, was ill-tempered for about a year & a diminished sex drive. Not sure if it was related to the Mirena or just because of again & being a mom of two, but I do have a friend that had the same experiences. The Dr said no way of really knowing unless we took it out. As a birth control it's great, so I haven't wanted to go that route. I just started checking myself when I started to get snippy and try to please my DH whether or not I'm in the mood. This is the most difficult to deal with because I had a pretty healthy libido prior to the Mirena.

Good luck!


answers from Chicago on

Hi L.,

I got Mirena in June & the insertion wasn't bad at all. Honestly, it just felt like a pap test that lasted a bit longer than usual. No big deal! Since you've given birth twice, that also helps. Seems to be the most painful in women who haven't given birth before, at least that's what my online "research" told me. I had no complications, just spotting that lasted on & off for about 6 weeks. This is normal and can actually last for 3-6 months. After that point, many women completely quit having periods. Aside from the spotting, I also had some cramping the first few days but nothing that a few ibuprofen couldn't handle. The whole thing was way easier than I expected & I've been really happy with my choice. Hope that helps!



answers from Chicago on

I had the Mirena IUD put in at the beginning of Sept. I have PCOS and after doing my research, I figured this was my best birth control method. The procedure was painless for me. I think it depends how your doctor puts it in, at least that's what my dr. said, and I didn't feel anything. It was very quick too. I had a headache for a couple days after that, then a lot of spotting for about a month. I did get a period throught that time as well. Now, mid October and I don't have any side affects. I'm not really sure when I'm supposed to get my period again though. I recommend it if you are considering it. I have three small children and work full time and would never remember to take a pill everyday or change something out every month. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I know this isn't what you ask, but I want to make sure you are informed before you make your decision. Just wanted to make sure you knew how the IUD's work. It keeps a fertilized egg from implanting. You may want to ask yourself when you believe life begins. If you believe it begins at conception, you may want to choose a differnet form of birth control. If you arleady know this information, please forgive me. I just wanted to make sure you that the facts so you could make your decision.



answers from Chicago on

Just a word of caution. A friend of mine just found out she is pregnant and had one year left to go with her IUD. However she said it was not painful and she had no side affects or complications. I suppose pregnancy in her situation is a complication, but I am sure it will all work out for the best. She always said she didn't want her daughter to be an only child. Her daughter is 9 years old and she is a single mom in her 30's. She probably wouldn't have had another child if this had not occured and her daugter is happy about having a baby sister on the way.



answers from Chicago on

Wow!! Great question. I do have the copper IUD which lasts 10 years. This is not the Mirena. It was not painful at all but I have been told it is best to do when you are menstruating. I did not do it during that time but had very little discomfort mostly cramping which is nothing. I do recommend taking Ibuprofen. I was also told that my periods could be worse but they have gotten better. I have no cramping my bleeding is minimal. I still feel weird about having a foreign object lingering but I have had this for about two years and all that has bothered me is that the strings take a while to soften and I had to have them trimmed.



answers from Chicago on

I've had my IUD for 7 years (it last 10 years) and have had no side effects, on occasion I will get a little cramp if I've sprung up really quick on my side. It is not painful when it is placed, just very little and its quick! Go for it what a better method then the pill!



answers from Chicago on

I was looking at an IUD for a b control route myself, I have five kids and am done! This is a personal decision, but I will tell you what bothered me most about them: a) the main "side effect" can be ectopic pregnancy which lands you into an emergency surgery when your fallopian tube bursts from the fetus growing in it--happened to a friend of mine--and b) I have a relative who does ultrasounds and she says she's seen PLENTY of pregnancies with the IUD still in there...so I would definitely get all the facts, then you can make an educated decision for yourself. Needless to say, I opted not to do it, and short of getting tubes tied, there doesn't seem to be a really good option for me, since I don't do products that alter hormones. Hope I didn't scare you, but I didn't see any mention of these issues in the previous replies. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

How do you do on regular birth control pills? I had a kind of negative experience with Mirena, but I have had problems with all hormone-based birth control. My blood pressure went way up when I had the IUD, and I had it taken out after a year. But again, I've never had good luck with birth control pills, so my reaction may be outside of the normal realm of things.

Other than that -- it wasn't painful to have it inserted at all!



answers from Chicago on

I had the copper IUD with no hormones. It didn't hurt when inserted just a pinch. The string attached to it to pull it out later is like fishing wire they told me and my husband always said he could feel it during sex so i had it snipped shorter. I spotted like 2 weeks a month the entire time it was in - it was so annoying and I had cramps with my periods that I never had before this. So I decided to have it taken out but the Dr. had snipped the string too short so they had to put me under to have it removed. It turned out being a bad experience for me.



answers from Chicago on

I have it and there was some cramping after it was placed, but that was the extent of it. It can change your cycle. I've had mine for 4 years now, and at first it seemed that my periods were a little heavier, but that didn't last. I have been very happy with it.

Mom of 6- and 4-y.o.

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