Looking for Information About Iud's

Updated on June 14, 2008
N.S. asks from North Attleboro, MA
31 answers

At my last appt I saw a NP and she recommended getting an IUD. I was previously taking Yaz and getting terrible migraines from it. So I decided that I would go for the IUD. Even though I have heard from a few people that they did not like it. I was reading some things about them online and read a few things that scared me. I am going to talk to my OBGYN tomorrow but I was just looking for some input on your experiences with an IUD. Would anyone recommend getting one??


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answers from Providence on

Hi After i had my son ,now 18 mo. i had an IUC i think its called, Mirena, its just a little plastic T shaped thingy the doctor inserted it right in the office. didnt hurt a bit. i would reccommend it especially if you forget to take your pills. or they make you sick in your case. hope this helps



answers from Boston on

I have the merena IUD and its the best thing ever! NO periods and no cramps nothing! I started getting my period ever other month then every four or five months no zero. My ob says this is perfectly healthy and its fine by me. Its the greatest thing ever. When it was put in I went home and rested for the afternoon and was fine after that. Cant say enough good things.



answers from Lewiston on

I had a Paragard IUD inserted after I had my daughter and I love it. It didn't hurt at all when it was inserted and I have had no problems now for a year. I got the Paragard because I was nursing and didn't want any hormones. For the first few months, my periods were a little bit longer though not heavier (eg. they lasted a full 7 days instead of my usual 5) but that didn't really bother me. I didn't have any spotting when I had it inserted. I've read that though it's slightly less common in the US, the IUD is the most used form of birth control around the world- very common in Europe.

Also, the doctor told me that you can hear a lot of bad stories about IUDs (e.g. getting pregnant while having one in), but most are from back in the 60s and 70s and now they're very safe with very few problems. Good luck!



answers from Boston on

I offer this just as an FYI. I have two wonderful boys and I decided to try the Mirena. I was previously onthe pill - Logestrone (sp?) and my body was pretty sensitive if I didn't take it at the exact right time. I thought Mirena would be a good choice. I had no trouble with it being inserted and have had no bad side effects. My only complaint is that where I used to have a one to two day light period, I now have a 10-14 day period where most of it is light but it is there and is a pain. It may just be my sensitivity but I have been on it now for over 9 months and am thinking of trying something else. For as mch of a pain as the pill is, a long period is worse!
Good luck!



answers from Boston on

I hear you! Pills caused me to get migraines as well as well as the Nuva Ring. Everything I read about all the different types of IUD's scared the heck out of me. Your OB will probably tell you it is a low risk but I don't care I am not chancing it.
I don't know what to tell you to do but I would suggest the one that does not have hormones and can be removed within 5-10 years in case you want kids/more kids. I however am most likely going to get my tubes tied as baby boy #2 is coming in October and I think we are done. But I may decide on an IUD just in case we decide to have one more but I don't think so.



answers from Providence on

Hi N., I understand where you are coming from, I wanted a reliable form of birthcomtrol and my OB recommended MIRENA. I have had it since the birth of my second son in March of 2005. They wait to insert the IUD when you have your period, you really donot feel anything,A bit of cramping but really thats it. Over time your period slows down or stops, or you get occasional spotting. I have had no weight gain or no bad headaches or moodiness.( unless my husband differs!) I am considering having baby number 3 and was told once I remove the mirena my fertility could come back almost immediately into the cycle i had before I get pregnant pretty easily. Check with your doctor the Mirena is good up to 5 YEARS AFTER THAT YOU CAN HAVE IT REPLACED. i HOPE THIS INFO HEPLS TO MAKE YOUR DECISION, , GOOD LUCK ! A. M.



answers from Providence on

Hi, today is my 60th birthday and after my second and last child at age 24 I used IUD as my choice of birth control. Best thing I ever did. Never had any trouble, discomfort-- nothing. Go for it.



answers from Hartford on

I had one and it worked fine, Copper kind, for years. Although I must warn you, if not done right it can cause scarring and this happen to me. I had three miscarriages due to this and some scarring. If it's painful being put in, have it checked. Who puts in it is important. I wish I'd known this when I had mine done. As for the way it worked. It didn't hurt, I had no hormones ( couldn't use estrogen at all that's why I chose this)..and I never got pregnant on it. I wouldn't recommend it as a first form of birth control, but put in correctly it's a wonderful thing and no drugs to give us breast cancer.



answers from New London on

I have had my IUD sense January. At first it took a bit of getting use to but now I don't even know it's there. I am VERY nervous and get extemely worked up by ANY procedure done, escpecially one I've never experienced. My own DR couldn't do it for me which added to my nervousness, so at the end I was eager awaiting for them to leave the room so I could lay down in peace and not feel embarrassed about the sudden "going to pass out" feeling. It is extrememly small, I felt no pain, but I did feel what they were doing but really nothing hurt. They do it while you ahve your period so it just goes along with period cramps. Mine had NO hormones which is why I had no other real choice of birthcontrol. I felt it a bit after sitting on the excersize ball to work at a desk but that was it. My period was heavy for 1 day and now is a bit heavier and for 2 days but that's the extent of what I felt. I take pamprin with each period so I feel no signficant cramping. Honestly I feel nothing of it now. I hope this was of help.



answers from Boston on

I have had an IUD for about 2 years before I removed it and got pregnant with my second son. I had no side effects what so ever and I am about to go for another one soon. It was as if it wasn't even there. I would highly recommend it.



answers from Boston on

Hello, I am a mom of 3 ( 5,4 and just about 1) and I had the paraguard IUD put in in December. It was slightly uncomfortable to insert, but I was fine after. I did get cramps in the middle of the month, the first few months they were pretty bad for a couple of days, but now is gone. I did spot until about last month and my periods were a lot heavier the first few months, but now seem to be back to normal. I would recommend it because of the convenience. I always had a tough time with the pill and this seems to be great.



answers from Hartford on

Don't let the other mom's freak you out about the IUD. I got the Mirena last July and it felt like a little pinch and that's it. I bled for a few days, and got a heavy period the following month and that's it! I haven't gotten a period since. I have no cramping from it, the only side effect I have is a bit extra facial hair growth on my chin. No big deal and it costs less to get a wax then it does for the birth control pills I was on ($50 a month!).



answers from Boston on


I love my IUD. I have three awesome boys (and crazily enough we may go for a fourth), and I am very forgettful with a pill. I have to admit that the insertion is a bit painful, and I don't recommend having sex that night (we were just too excited after having waited so long after the third). But now I absolutely love it!! I have not had any periods since having it. And as they say if and when we are ready for our next child I will just have it removed.

Good luck!

H. (mom to 4 1/2, 3 1/2 and 11 month old boys)



answers from Portland on

I had an IUD in for 3 years- I only took it out so we could try for another baby. It was crampy when the dr inserted it but then it was over. I had irregular periods for the first 6 mos or so and then had none!! I would highly recommend it!



answers from Boston on

I love my IUD! I had one (Paraguard)for ten years, I had it removed and was pregnant within two months. I had NO side effects. no creams, no prescriptions, no pills or shots or patches. If you fit the criteria, go for it!



answers from Boston on

I have had 2 IUDs and I have loved them. I had the first one after my daughter was born and the second after my son. It is so great to not have to think about birth control. The only issue I had at first was a little more cramping before my period. The other change is slightly longer periods - 5 days. I have the IUD without hormones.

I had major issues with the pill and have tried every type of birth control imaginable. The IUD has had the fewest side effects with the most benefits.

Good luck with your decision!



answers from Boston on

I had a Mirena IUD inserted about 7 weeks PP with my 2nd baby (he's now almost 4 months). No issues to speak of... insertion just felt like a pap smear and I had some spotting after, within a few days I forgot I had even had it put in. So, I would def. recommend. I was so bad about remembering to take a pill, so this was the way to go for me.



answers from Boston on

I had a mirena IUD and I was hoping it was going to be great! I never had any problems in the past from any other forms of birth control. I never stopped bleeding once I had it put in. I bled moderate-to-heavy every day for the first 3 months. I had it removed before reaching month 4, because things just didn't feel right - my abdomin was almost permanantly cramping, i was bleeding & I started getting headaches(which I had never experienced before the IUD was put in). My OB said that she didn't think that this was related to the IUD, but once I had it removed, I felt better within a week.



answers from New York on

I got the Mirena IUD and I love it. I'm a 42yr old married mom of 1. Got it at 36, almost a year after I had my daughter. I stopped getting my period, the period symptoms slowed (moods, bloating, etc..) and my skin looks great. The only thing I didn't like was that no one told me it was a common side effect for your period to stop. So every month, I spend lots of $ buying preg tests. I have to get it out by Dec of this year and am getting another one put in. They only last 5 years. Its a bit painful to have it put in. Sort of like a really rough pap smear. But once its in, you don't even feel it. 3 of my friends got one after me and they love it. I don't hear good things about the copper IUD. A friend of mine has it and her periods and cramps got worse, and more frequent. The Mirena is definately worth it, and my insurance even paid for it. Good Luck!



answers from Hartford on

I have the Mirena (the 5 yr one) - and I love it! I had some spotting for the first 2 months or so, but after that, I have had virtually no periods. I had a lot of trouble with the pill and this is working great for me! Good luck!



answers from Springfield on

There have been a lot of positives & negatives about getting an IUD posted as a response so far. I think this is great because it really shows just how many varied reactions there are to this type of birth control. Have you looked into another safe, effective, side effect free type of birth control? The fertility awareness method as taught by the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is a simple, 98% effective birth control, with no side effects, & very safe as there no hormones to cause potential damage to your body. I highly recommend it. I have been using it for the past 7 years. I have not gotten pregnant. And the great thing is, when I am ready to get pregnant I know my body & when I am fertile so I am already prepared when that knowledge. Please check out this website if you are interested: http://www.ovusoft.com/ After the initial cost of the book & a thermometer, it's free!



answers from Boston on

Love it! I got the copper, so no hormones. I had it put in about 8 weeks postpartum, and it was a tiny bit uncomfortable for about 5 minutes, and I haven't noticed it since. It might be a little more uncomfortable for you during insertion because you're not immediately postpartum, but I would take a few advil and you'll probably be fine. I haven't gotten my period again yet, and I have heard that the first few times can be really tough, so I'm not looking forward to that. Still, it's completely hormone free, so no headaches for me either, there's nothing to remember, and nothing to deal with every time. I also really like that as soon as it's removed fertility returns.



answers from Boston on

I got an IUD about a year and a half ago (copper) because the pill was giving me migraines and it seemed like an easy/economical way to go. Overall, I'm glad I did it. I like knowing that I am not putting medications into my body - and I don't need to worry about taking the pill daily. They say that I have 10 years of birth control - all for a $10 copay!

The drawbacks? Well, gone are the days of very light periods. Also, it took a good week after the "implant" to feel at all normal. I found it painful and uncomfortable in the beginning. However, that is long gone and I'd probably say it was worth it.

There is another kind of IUD that I wished I had looked into more. It is the Merana (sp) - after several months your period will all but stop. I know a lot of people who wouldn't want this (if so, go with the copper). But, I could live without it! LOL.

Good luck!



answers from Springfield on

Hi N., I have had the copper IUD for little over 7 years and I love it! I remember it was uncomfortable to put in but very much worth it, I never liked the thought of taking hormones and my body was always out of whack, but with this I never have to worry about it and when I want to get pregnant again I just take it out and should be able to conceive. One thing I had a problem with at first is the strings attached to the IUD(which are there so it can be pulled out and also so that you can periodically check to make sure it is still in place) were a little too long and my husband didn't care for THAT feeling...so I went to my obgyn and he cut them shorter. Haven't had a complaint since. Good luck.



answers from Boston on

Thanks for the question, I've had the same one and wanted to know what others' thought, too :)

As for the Taking Charge of Your Fertility suggestion, tread carefully with that one. I used this method for 2 years TRYING to get pregnant, and it really is only effective for people who have accurate, predictable periods. With my *doctor's* help, we still couldn't manage to get my period on a schedule. But that's just me ~ if you are Ms. Predictability, it might be right for you :) And still, as someone who has two beautiful children but knows her personal limit is two, I wouldn't want to chance my birth control on any level ~ and I'm so regular now I can pick the actual day my period will show up :)

L. :)



answers from Boston on

Hi N.
After my 2nd child I did get an IUD. I have had it for 2 years and I haven't had any problems or side effects from it. Pretty much like being on nothing. Defiantly talk to your obgyn but I think this is a good way to go.

K. M



answers from Hartford on

I had an IUD for about two years, right after I had my son. I loved having it for numerous reasons. One being the extra light- no periods. The only downfall with the Mirena IUD (plastic that secretes progesterone) was the cramping at the beginning and occasionally during the course of the two years. I never was good about the pill so this was perfect for me. Good luck!



answers from Boston on

Hi N.,

Go Mirena!! I had my twins in October 07 and Mirena 'installed' in December. The procedure was so simple, like getting a glorified pap smear. I forgot the Mirena was even there before the appt. was over. There is some bleeding afterwards like a months or so and then your body may or may not go back to having regular periods. Mine are regular (light as usual) and back on their monthly schedule.
Hope this helps, do what's right for you.



answers from Boston on

I just wanted to tell you my story. I had the Mirena IUD inserted in November 2006. It was highly recommended by my OB. It seemed great. No periods, very little pain with insertion, etc. Shortly after I began having a lot of problems with fatique, moodiness (was placed on anti-depressants with no help), had alot of weight gain, etc. I just kept going to the doctor feeling, time after time I was crazy and there was nothing wrong with me. In March of this year I was on the Mamasource website and I saw someone else questioning symptoms like I had. I did some research online and there are many forums of women who had the same problems as me. I scheduled an appt. with my OB who said that some woman claim to have these problems though there was no factual evidence. She was very open to me removing the IUD and replacing it if I found I had no changes. WOW! What a change, I am like a different woman. People tell me what a difference they have seen in me. I am no in any way trying to persuade you. I know many people have had very positive experiences. I also think that it is very much worth a try, but also think that you should be aware that there are people who did not have these positive experiences and watch yourself. I feel like I almost lost myself and a over a year of my life. I hope this was helpful.




answers from Boston on

I have had the Mirena IUD for almost a year now. I had it put in after giving birth to my second child. This is the medicated IUD. I also did not have a good reaction to the pill in the past. (breaking out, moody, bloating) Supposedly, you get less of the medication in your body from this IUD. I love the IUD...now. I had spotting for the first 4-5 months (which wasn't that big of a deal, I just wore a panty liner)but now I hardly ever get a period and when I do, it is very light. I haven't had any major side effects. Some mild cramping right before I get my "period." I love not having to think about it. I guess the good thing about an IUD is if it doesn't agree with you, then you can have it removed.
Good luck with your decision making.



answers from Boston on

My daughter is 1 and I had an IUD put in at 12 weeks postpartum and I love it! It did not hurt when they put it in, and I was all worried about if it would puncture my uterus or hurt while it's in...or anything (I'm such a worrier) but it went in ok and they did an ultrasound that day to make sure it was in place and then they did another ultrasound in a month to make sure it settled ok. They told me that I would have a few periods and then they would eventually cease, but I've had it for 9 months now and have yet to miss a period, but they are MUCH lighter and easier to handle (no more extra super tampons!)

I also had a lot of problems with other birth control methods giving me such severe cramps that I would have to miss work, but with the IUD (I got the Mirena by the way) I haven't had one cramp. And I love that I can keep it in for as long as I need up to 5 years.

I hope this has helped you!

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