Made my circle around the house and put all the baby toys away (it's more fun to make the mess. She likes to start fresh every day.)
Two loads of laundry waiting to be The dishes are done and put away, the house is clean. TOMORROW the bathroom can be cleaned...not tonight. Also, the hamster cage needs to be cleaned...I do it every three days but the little stinker literally wouldn't let me do it last night so all I got done was changing his food and water.
A snack is in order. Muffins, anyone? Mmmm...muffins.
Got all my daughter's lessons ready for tomorrow, checked my email, won some swagbucks, and now I'm doing this.
Then, hopefully within in next hour...go lay in bed and watch Dragon Ball Z. I'm on the final season, and I keep falling asleep during the same episode. I'd really like to go on to the next!
And that's my night. Fun, huh?