Just for Fun, Who Is in the Driver's Seat?

Updated on July 31, 2012
D.B. asks from Oak Lawn, IL
37 answers

JFF. When you and your husband are in the car together, who normally drives? My husband ALWAYS drives when we are together. It doesn't matter if the kids are with us or not. It doesn't matter if we are in my car, van, or his car, SUV. I am CLEARLY the better driver but it doesn't matter! lol It bugs him when he sees a wife (when he knows it's a wife or not) driving and the husband is in the passanger seat. Let me stress that he is NOT a MACHO man that thinks men should do certain things and women should know their place. lol That is not him at all! This really is his ONE BIG hang up. This started probably 3 months into our dating. If we were taking my car, he would ask to drive. It really bugged him to be in the passanger seat, but I know now it was because I was a girl! lol. I cut the grass, edge, weed wack, snow blow, shovel etc... He gets ribbed from neighbors about his wife doing it....so I guess there are people that think that is a "man" job and he should be doing that. Our neighbor has his wife driving him all of the time. He drives to work everyday, so he does drive. It makes my husband crazy. lol So, to the dads out there, do you prefer to drive when you are with your wife, or do you not care? To the moms out there, do you automatically get in the passanger seat or is there a discussion about who is driving?

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So What Happened?

Wow! I have to say I am surprised at how many women drive when the two of you are in the car together. Take a look around next time you are stopped in traffic or at a light. 90% of the time if there is a man and a woman in the front seats, the man is driving. Our little poll seems to bosh that. I have to say I don't mind that he drives, but when we are in a hurry or running late it bugs me! He either tailgates or he stays in one lane and goes with the flow. Makes me crazy! And yes, if he has had a few cocktails, the keys go right into my hand. There is never a discussion. Oh and I cut the grass because I'm kind of a freak about my lawn. He cuts the grass to cut the grass. I like it to have nice diagonal lines and clean edges. It's been a rough summer for my lawn. :(

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answers from St. Louis on

My husband always drives which is fine with me, I like to read or play games on my phone.

I want to add, with my ex husband I always drove!! We actually drove a friend somewhere where he insisted on driving and she took a cab home rather than be in the car where he is driving! He is bar none, the worst driver in America!! I couldn't read or play when he drove because I was too busy having panic attacks!

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answers from Seattle on

My hubby is the one that drives. He knows where everything is, and has a good directional sense and can get us anywhere. Me on the other hand.. I am directionally challenged :p

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answers from Phoenix on

Normally hubby drives. However, he owns a business so if he has an email he needs to reply to, then I will drive so he can get it done and not worry about it while we are out. I just bought a used van that had major problems and the transmission had to be "set" to the driver. So this last week, I have been driving anytime we go anywhere. Neither of us care who drives, as long as we get where we are going. =)

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answers from Los Angeles on

I drive unless I get too tired, then she drives. I don't want to fall asleep behind the wheel. She has to mapquest almost everything and my GPS is between my ears. (I was a scoutmaster for 20+ years and teaching teenagers about maps taught me a lot.)

I also open the door for her getting in or out and bring her flowers, write her love poems, and give her "Love You" cards. I do all the shopping, most of the cooking and a lot of the cleaning because I'm retired and she works.

I mow the lawn unless she beats me to the mower. (I can't understand that desire, but if she wants to its ok with me.) My "male ego" is not tethered to the lawn mower.

Good luck to you and yours.

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answers from Chicago on

I learnt to drive pretty recently (not from this country originally...so :) ). So, he lets me drive to most places to get used to. If its a long trip involving highways and we need to do good on time, he drives. I'm happy to sit with my daughter in the back and play with her.
As I'm getting better, he's promised me we'll both share driving equally, if we each want to drive. Do I have a good guy, or do I have a good guy? :)

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answers from Portland on

I have no desire to drive. Before I was with my husband, I took the bus or walked everywhere. (I was also in better shape because of this!) So, passenger I remain...it's nice to be able to notice my world instead of having to watch out for all the yahoos on the road!

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answers from Iowa City on

I would say 90% of the time my husband drives. Neither one of us really care who drives. If we are going some place hilly with twists and turns (rare since I live in flat old Iowa) then I like to drive. My husband can drive on the boring straight roads.

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answers from Detroit on

I usually drive but I'll ask if he wants to. I like driving and he has a long commute so I figure he has to be sick of it by the weekend. I also like to be in control and secretly think I'm a better driver. He pulses the accelerator when he talks and doesn't realize it. Drives me crazy!

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answers from Chicago on

Usually I drive. I have a better sense of direction!

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answers from Milwaukee on

My husband was in a car accident a long time ago and he still gets panic attacks behind the wheel and he hates driving - so I do all the driving when we are together.

My hangup is watching women mow the lawn - I feel that's a mans job LOL

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answers from Dallas on

My car = I drive
His car = he drives
Daughter's car = she drives

I also have a hangup with the wife doing the mowing, etc. I don't work in the yard and won't but hubby knew that from the get go about me.

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answers from Dallas on

My boyfriend always drives, so did my ex husband come to think of it. There has never really been a discussion about it thats just what we automatically do and i am fine with that.

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answers from Albuquerque on

Hubby always drives. If I drove he would be constantly back seat driving (telling me how to drive), ugghhh, I hate that! So I just let him drive. If it's just me and the girls sometimes they'll ask me "hey mommy, why are you in daddy's seat?" LOL.

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answers from Minneapolis on

My SO always drives. Before my son got his license, he drove often to practice. As a passenger, I often nap or play with my phone. OK, usually nap on trips...

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answers from Omaha on

My husband just naturally does the driving when we are together. I don't think it is a macho thing either. It just happens!
I do let him do all yardwork chores too (and trash. blech.), except I take care of my flowers and such. Sheesh. Just call us June and Ward Cleaver I guess! LOL

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answers from Norfolk on

My husband usually does, but we do switch off.
He hasn't let me drive his new truck yet, but he's going to have to next time we take the boat out (I drive it away from the ramp when the boat launches).

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answers from Chicago on

I LOVE driving. Maybe it is part of my need to control things, but I really love being the driver. When I want to get to our destination quickly, I drive. Not that I am a faster driver, but I am just more methodical and look for ways to advance.

If we are going out after he gets home from work, I drive because he's too tired.

If we are going on a long trip, I drive because he doesn't use "cruise control" and the speed variations drive me crazy.

If we are coming home late at night, I drive, unless I forgot my glasses.

He usually drives to/from church so I can put on my makeup.

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answers from El Paso on

My husband almost always drives, unless I specifically say I'm going to. He hates the way I drive, so it just helps keep the frustration down if he drives. :)

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answers from Chattanooga on

When we had 2 cars, and were living in our hometown, whoever owned the car would drive.

My car went to the big junkyard in the sky right before we moved out of state. So his was the only one we had left. (of course, it was actually 'ours' by then... lol) so he usually drives... Not because of any power or control issues or whatever, but because I HATE driving the big Yucon! I also hate driving in the traffic here... I really love this town, but I swear, they have really low standards for who they give licenses to....

Hubby actually wishes I would drive more often. lol.

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answers from Chicago on

I do. Even for trips taking a couple hours. He tends to go straight for passenger side and if I do, he says "I'm driving?" kind of like aw, man he got the short end of the straw.
And when I am driving he talks non-stop.
No I did not see that green Mercedes over there etc. and I don't care if it had awesome spoilers. ;)

But when he had his SUV, he would drive but we didn;t go very many places.

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answers from Houston on

My hubby drives and I'm just peachy with that. I get to read or sleep! =)

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answers from Albuquerque on

I do most of the driving. We've been that way pretty much since we first got serious. The main reason is because I suffer from terrible carsickness! Of course, I'm also the better (more concientious) driver. It used to bug him and he'd make comments about how he didn't like being driven around "like 'Driving Miss Daisy'" but now it just feels natural.
When we take long road trips, we'll switch driving duties, although I usually end up doing more drive time than he does.
As for yardwork, that's pretty much 50/50 in our house! (Although he has gotten an earful from our elderly neighbor about how he shouldn't have me out there doing "man's work"!! Ha ha!)

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answers from Chicago on

lol, i know what you mean; my boyfriend always drives. He says he doesn't mind. but the last two times we've driven to Florida (we drive straight through from IL), I had to physically grab the keys out of his hand by the time we got to Atlanta, he was so CRANKY!!! (and believe me i asked him at least ten times to let me drive) Not sure what drives the man to be that stubborn about it...

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answers from Bismarck on

I do all of the driving when we are together. My ex-husband NEVER let M. drive and it drove M. nuts! Fortunately, my husband would much prefer to let M. do the driving and it suits us both J. fine.
I also do all of the yard work as well. Not because he refuses to help, but because he farms, therefore, the poor guy spends too much time "cutting grass" (or should I say hay) as it is.
I guess I never considered driving or yard work as man's work and so for us, we J. do what works for us.

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answers from Rockford on

It depends! We have two cars, I drive the family car (an older Toyota Highlander) and he has his car (a small SAAB). If we are driving my car, I am the one who drives it. I am super picky about how the seat is set, so I get really annoyed whenever anyone moves it. He does drive my car from time to time, but 99.9% of the time it's me. If we are going for date night or some other short trip, and we take his car, he drives. I have heard him get ribbed about it from his Dad, but I just calmly said, "Well it's my car, if we were in his car he would be the one driving." That pretty much silenced the whole situation.
He does all the yard work though. I have tell him if he wants to watch our kids, I would cut the grass... he always chooses to cut the grass. *LAUGH!!*

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answers from Austin on

If we're using my suv - I drive. If we use his truck- he drives. But I'm soooo the better driver.
He actually prefers for me to drive so he can just kick back and fiddle with this iphone. I don't mind it, but at times I'd rather be the passenger so I can sight-see while he drives.
One of these days we'll get our son to drive us so we both can sit back and enjoy....:)

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answers from Los Angeles on

My husband generally drives. Unless he's had a cocktail and in that case, I drive. He drives non-stop for his work, though, so if I want to drive, he certainly doesn't argue.

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answers from Huntsville on

If we are in "his" car, he always drives. If we are in "my" truck, it just depends on where we are going or how we are both feeling or whatever. If he knows where we are going & I don't, then I make him drive lol But if he doesn't feel well enough or alert enough to drive, then I will. I think he prefers to drive tho. Doesn't matter who he is with, he used to be one of those to freak out every time the drive hit the brakes for anything LOL His mom is the same way! He's a little calmer about it now tho.

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answers from Minneapolis on

He drives about 95% of the time but he definitely wishes I would drive more. I grew up in a very small town with very basic streets. I will drive in the towns that I am used to, but I will NOT drive in unknown places OR very busy complicated areas. So... He ends up doing most of the driving.

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answers from Washington DC on

Me. 90% of the time it's me. I'm a control freak I guess...but we are also normally in one of "my" cars since his Prius isn't overly comfortable for the 5 of us. The Armada or the Camry do much better.

If it's long trips, we split it (ask him and he'd tell you I don't drive at all on long trips though).

Once we are to our "vacation spot," he normally takes control then. He is better at finding his way around new places than I am.

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answers from Spokane on

My husband drives probably 95% of the time during road trips (he can't sleep in the car and if I am in a car longer than 45 min I fall asleep or I am busy entertaining the boys :)
In town or when we ride together to work he always drives.
There is no discussion or argument or one that drives better than the other ~ it's just the way we've done it for the last 17 years. He doesn't mind driving and I don't really like to. I'd rather be able to sleep, read, visit or entertain the kids.

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answers from Peoria on

This is really funny! I always wondered. My hubby always insists on driving. I think it has something to do with his traditional upbringing/man of the house kind of thing. Eiher way, I don't really care. It's nice to just kick back and relax in the passenger seat when we are going out.He is the better driver too.

And the few times I have driven, he made me nuts!! Talk about backseat driver.

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answers from Seattle on

I drive. All the time. Ever since we have been together. I am the only one with a valid drivers license and we are only insured for me.
I HATE it when I am driving along and my husband says, "hey, did you see that?" "look at that!" blah blah blah.
I wish it was possible for him to get his license, and it is...we just have to fork over $34,000. Not worth it for us.

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answers from Dallas on

It's pretty even for us...When we are in my car, I usually drive. In his car, he usually drives. We usually take his car though, because his company pays for his gas. When we go to a party he usually drives there and I drive back, because he has usually had a few beers. But when we go out of town (we take 4 hour trips to see his sister often), I am usually the driver and he is sleeping or reading. But cross country trips, he does the majority of the driving.

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answers from Houston on

My husband does most of the driving, but I do a good bit of it. he is really an excellent driver, the best driver I know, so I feel very safe with him in the driver's seat. He likes to drive becaue he likes to be in control, I think. I'm pretty much the only person he will let drive him. If there's a group of people going somewhere, either he's driving the group or he's alone in his own car. He's not obnoxious about it, though.

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answers from Los Angeles on

If I want to drive, I drive. If not, I don't. Totally depends on my mood

For the most part, while travelling or taking road trips, he drives.

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answers from Chicago on

My fiance always wants to drive, and we usually take his car, but he has all these things he doesn't like - don't touch the radio, don't touch the air, don't eat in the car, don't have the windows down (it messes up his hair!LOL) - and he drives like a grandpa. It makes me crazy! So sometimes I tell him I want to drive my car - it's like I just need a break - I feel trapped in his car with all his Felix Unger-like rules. UGH!

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