My husband told me a story one morning while I was getting the kids ready for school. It was a little early, because the middle child had an honor roll breakfast to attend, and my husband was taking her. He had been to a work related mens night out the night before, and was telling me about some jokes his coworkers played on a guy they work with who has some langague issues (he is from India, and these other guys have been playing some tricks) One was that they told the man that the name of the beer he was drinking was "golden showers" (it was golden wheat) and they saw some really pretty girls across the bar (these other guys are all young and single, and my husband is thier boss) so they told the guy to go over to the women and invite them to have a beer with him, and that girls loved golden you know what happens next...
Anyway, I laughed at the story. Fast forward to the breakfast a half hour daughter proceeded to tell her friends and their parents that I liked golden showers...
Oh I forgot one! My daughter made a "grateful pumpkin" in sunday school, so we are proud parents reading the things she wrote on it that she is grateful for, she was in 1st grade. Her Sisters, her friends, her Mom, her Dad, living in our city, her school, and....BEANO!