It sounds to me like a good plan. I would probably do one pump on the strong side mid-day. Not pumping to empty, but just to comfort, to make sure you don't lose your supply on that side. And keep track of how you feel, and if you feel like your supply on the right side is becoming less, go to feeding on one side per feeding, instead of block feedings.
What worked best for me was to use a hand pump to get through the 1st letdown just before the baby latched, so that he missed the first letdown, which was the most forceful. And then I switched sides every feeding. The trick to keep this from backfiring is to only pump 5-10 times (handpump) or a minute or so (electric pump). You just want to get through that letdown, you don't want to pump a full bottle of milk before the baby feeds. If you've pumped more than an ounce or two, you've pumped too long before putting the baby on. I did this until about 3 months, and by then the baby was big enough to handle it, and my supply was a bit more evened out.
And all that milk I pumped and froze really came in handy later! I used it to make baby oatmeal cereal, etc. It's not terrific to use as an entire bottle for feeding, because it's all foremilk, and no hindmilk, but to make cereal or to top off a bottle that is a little short, it's fine.