C., You may wish to speak to an herbalist. I'm not a licensed herbalist, or a doctor and this is not to be taken as either type of advice. I know that chaste tree berry is used by many women to be more regular. It's known for helping cycles balance out, but it takes 3-6 months for it to work for many women. Many women take the extract and follow the directions on the bottle. Since they know they'll be taking it for months, many women buy enough to begin with to get them through 6 months.
Some women do find natural progesterone to be helpful, but usually that's because they have a short luteal phase (the length from ovulation to period).
If your physical activity is more strenuous than your body can handle with periods, too, you may need to back off some and eat to your activity level. Don't forget fluids; they are necessary, as is vitamin A foods.
Hope this helps,
D. S, non-practicing DEM (www.blessedbabiesandfamilies.com)