This is called night sweats and can be from many causes. It is best to discuss it with your doctor so the worst things can be tested for. Most often it is hormonal.
I sweat like crazy at night. I have no idea why. With or without sock. In the nude or not. However, I'm cold and love my down comforter. This happened before I gave birth the first time and it has only recently started happening again. I'm not sure if it's my water intake or the comforter or some medical reason. Thought I'd ask all of you before I call the doctor. Thanks.
This is called night sweats and can be from many causes. It is best to discuss it with your doctor so the worst things can be tested for. Most often it is hormonal.
Can you say hormones? You proably do need more water, most of us do but hormones is more likely the issue. Your body is going through a lot of changes right now. I would start by seeing a Chiropractor to get your nervous system in order. I would then ask to get your estrogen and progestrone levels checked. Saliva is the best and most effective way. Best of luck!
One thing to check just to rule it out is your blood sugar. Sometimes blood sugar problems, especially low blood sugar, can cause you to have cold sweats. That's probably not it since you don't seem to be having any other problems, but just something to have checked so you can mark it off your list of possible issue. Good luck!
T. D
It could be a medical condition,however, I have a down comforter as well and experience the same thing. Try switching to a lighter blanket for a few days and see if you notice a differernce. I know for me it made a big difference!
I think most Americans don't drink enough water, we walk around in a state of dehydration and don't even know it. But, it sounds like a hormonal imbalance. Our hormones are trying to regulate themselves after we have a baby and now this is happening to you again. I would take a hormonal herbal formula to regulate you. Of course I would look at other things to see if there is something causing this. This is my favorite herbal formula site: www.herbsfirst.com. There is a Hormonal Changease that would be good for you to take.
My system got completely messed up when I had my daughter, she's now 7 and it's still messed up, I have to sleep with one leg out side the covers to keep my system from over heating. I'd suggest you switch your blanket , and try the one foot out trick.
After years of being on birth control pills and everything being fine, this same thing happened to me. When I got off the pill and got an IUD, it stopped.
Just something to consider...
Best wishes.
This happens to me when my blood pressure is too high and/or I put on extra pounds.
I had pre-eclamsia with both babies and I soaked the bed. I had to be enduced both times.
My youngest is now 9. I'm approx 30lbs over my recommended weight. If I gain as little as 5lbs more, I have night sweats and my pressure goes up. Too much spicy food and salt also spikes my pressure and gives me night sweats.
So, for me it is the blood pressure and weight.
Hope this helps.