Hi B.: I've got 5 kids and am expecting my 6th soon. I have a middle child who is opposite of yours - very mild-mannered and easily overlooked (she's 7). I need to work at including her and being willing just to listen to her more readily. However, one of my older children (age 11) is very emotional and needs LOTS of attention and a more "tender" touch - of which I am not naturally inclined. So, I understand a little of what you might be experiencing with this one child. My aim everyday is to include both children in my busy life. My plan is to have each of them at times sit down next to me as I nurse my new baby or find ways to involve them more in being my helper and the baby's "special sister." These things don't have to be stated, but perhaps drawing your 8 year old into your routine more closely and finding all the things she can help you with or just asking her to be next to you more often as you do the dishes or do the laundry, etc. Perhaps finding things that interest her and making it a priority to instruct your older boys (at least one of them) to help her with her interests and hobbies, or at least play a game with her. It could just be for 1/2 hour a day like right after lunch. I have two kids that don't get along very well, but when they find something they both like doing they start playing nicely and seem happy together. Sometimes it's just guiding them a bit. Also, having her play a specific game or with dolls with her younger sister can make her feel important, too. Good luck - I'll be in your shoes in a very short time.