I think we all go through situations like this. I only wish children came with Instructions: LOL...Anyway, here is something to keep in mind; the message you will be sending your beautiful child is Scream and Cry and you'll get what you want.Right now the screaming and crying is for the Bottle, next it will be for something else. Sometimes we just have to walk away and ignore that behavior. We as Adults don't like to be ignored, however have you ever noticed how a situation changes when you change how you react? Trust me I can only imagine how Screaming would make you want to pull your hair out! Put a Cd player in his room and play some nice relaxing music as soon as he lays down (not just when the Screaming starts)... (you are re-directing his attention from the crying to something else) and then you walk out of that room! Also, you can get Audio Books-- bedtime stories! Continue to think of Creative ways to Re-direct behaviors, I have been doing it for years with my children, sometimes they don't even realize it, and other times they do (they are 9 and 14 yrs old!!) Good Luck, let me know how it goes...C.