As long as one person is there, then it's all good. I don't think my husband has been to any of the school awards, and my eldest just graduated this weekend, and our youngest is a rising sophomore in high school. Youngest has been in almost every awards ceremony ever put on by any school she's attended... Including this year as a freshman (Honor Roll Breakfast during the morning in the cafeteria, and also Honor Awards Night in the auditorium). One was by recommendation by her Algebra teacher, and one was for A Honor Roll all year.
I've been to almost all of them. (I did miss one, once, I think.) But she's never had grandparents or extended family at them, either, though some kids do. We don't have family that lives nearby (5 hours away)... so it's always just been me. And me alone. Dad was at work.
Gamma says she doesn't know many careers where you can't take 2 hours off to attend... well, I do. Lots of them. Including my husband's. Not to mention his commute from where the school is, is over 30 minutes one way, even if he *could* take 2 hours leave. It would be simpler for him to call in sick for the whole day, but that's a terrible example to set for your child... to lie in order to get out of work, to do something else b/c you'd rather be there.
What matters is that you (or Dad, in our case) remembers that the event happened at all, and asks questions about it. Show interest in it. High five them, or do something else in celebration to recognize the accomplishment. Usually at an awards ceremony, the kids come away with a Certificate of some sort. Get it framed. (buy a frame in advance maybe) And put it someplace prominent. Or just make a point to put it in a "safe" place.
My daughter is not bothered in the least that Dad isn't able to come to these sorts of things. And she never has been. He texts her these days and asks her about it, or tells her congrats while we are in the car on the way (depending on what time he gets to take a break at work). Or meets us to eat dinner after.