M., just be ware when you approach the pediatrician with the issue of vaccinations. Just 2 days ago my daughter (2 months old) had her checkup and my Ped flipped out when I told him of my decision to not vaccinate my kids anymore. He went as far as calling me stupid and telling me to go find another doctor. My choice is for a couple reasons, but mainly religious. I figure if God made our bodies, and God made the foods we eat (we eat whole, natural foods, not junk or McDonalds) then we're not putting anything else in our bodies that God didn't make. However, of all the friends I have, 2 kids have autism, and neither showed signs of it until after the vaccines were finished. If you do vaccinate, watch your child carefully. Work with them now on social and motor skills and it will be less likely that anything will show up.
~in love and light~