I, as a child had terrible stomach problems. Sometimes it would hurt terribly and then other times be ok. My parents tried everything just short of having me scoped at 6 yr old for ulcers. They actually had the appointment scheduled. Then someone suggested me seeing a chiropractor, so they did and the pain dissapeared after one adjustment. I still remember to this day at 6yr old (I'm 35 now) sitting on the table after the adjustment and the pain letting up for the first time I could ever remember. I had to keep going for a while to get my back in order again since it had been out for so long it would throw itself out when playing or moving wierd. To this day I have one area in my back, right in the middle close to where your bra latches, that if the verterbrae goes out it sends my stomach into terrible spasams as if I have the worst flu. Adjust it and it is gone. Good luck to you and your daughter. I know how frustrating it is. I hope you find your answer soon.