From my experience, there were two distinct parts to the IUI process: (1) Taking a drug to stimulate more than one follicle, to help increase the chances that there is an egg to fertilize. (2) Taking a drug to start the ovulation process on a specific day, so that when your Physician performs the IUI, there is a 99.99% chance that you are ovulating. (This drug is often an injection.)
I'm not familiar with the drug you mentioned. However, I think you should give your Physician's office a call about the details of your procedure. If you are on the drug, I would think that you should probably have the IUI appt. scheduled too. By the way...I did not experience any side effects from any of the drugs I took. And we were manipulating my ovulation date, so my actual cycle didn't matter. I conceived on my 3rd IUI. Best wishes.