Morning Sickness - Goodyear,AZ

Updated on September 21, 2009
J.K. asks from Phoenix, AZ
16 answers

Although I usually have hyperemesis in my pregnancies (with 5 of them including a miscarriage) this isn't quite hyperemesis but I'm still sooooo miserable! I have 5 weeks left of this as it usually starts to go away around 12 weeks! medication hasn't helped me in the past, just allergic reactions to them. In fact, NOTHING has helped me in the past! I'm so so sick all the time! It's very overwhelming to say the least! Was there anything that helped you with this? I'm thankful not to be bad enough to be on home IV's but still so miserable...Thanks so much!

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answers from Albuquerque on

I tried lots of things... Protein before bed and first thing in the a.m. First baby, oatmeal cookie w/ milk worked. Second baby, cheese before bed and then oatmeal in the a.m. worked. I also had to change vitamins like 4 times until I found one that didn't make me barf.



answers from Phoenix on

Have you tried ginger? that's supposed to help too, whether you just eat some or add it to food. try eating small frequent meals and snack with some protein. Hope you feel better soon!

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answers from Tucson on

Vitamin B6 and an antihistamine. My doctor wrote me a prescription that I filled at a compounding pharmacy called DP-10. I would be really surprised if you were allergic to B6.



answers from Albuquerque on

I tried absolutely everything except pharmaceuticals and the only thing that touched my extreme nausea and constant vomiting was acupuncture. Now, it did not eliminate it, but it made it a little better and I was happy for any little bit of help. It was the only thing that made even a small dent. I could only do it on Saturdays so my husband could watch the kids. And for a few days after I could get up and do a few things before vomiting, as opposed to waking up and vomiting as soon as I became upright. My acupuncurist was also a midwife, so she was very in tune with these issues. Perhaps you can find someone in your area with a lot of experience with pregnancy. Good luck. I feel your pain, really.



answers from Phoenix on

I also had hyperemisis Gravidarium with when I was pregnant with my son. I was on TPN through a PICC line for a few weeks and IV at home as well not to mention 2 hospitilizations and a STAPH inffection. So I can understand how you might feel.
None of the Reglan, Zofran, Tiagan etc worked for me. I would suggest accupuncture. I tried it and it didn't work for me but I think I was too sick for any alternative help. I have used accupunture for other things and it has worked wonders for me.
There is a website For people with HG. There is also gentic testing they are doing to see if there is a gentic link for why women get HG. I am participating and you might consider it. I feel if I can help one person not have to go through what I did why not.
I hope you feel better soon. :)



answers from Phoenix on

When I was sick during my last pregnancy I actually had to be on a standing IV Order at the hospital and the only medication that helped was called Zofran. I had to get special permission from my insurance because it is an expensive pill, but it allowed me to at least not feel as sick. The pill dissolves in your mouth, which helped me because I could not drink anything.



answers from Phoenix on

Medication didn't work all that well for me either. With my second pregnancy, ginger ale was disgusting to me. Even though it helped with my first pregnancy, I couldn't do it. I found that sipping on a can of Coke throughout the day helped to settle my stomach. It wasn't a magic cure, but it helped me get through my day. Hope you feel better soon!



answers from Phoenix on

I didn't have morning sickness severe enough to be hospitalized, but I had it bad, and this stuff helped me the most:

It is liquid bentonite clay, which absorbs anything which is in excess in the body (ie. hormones!). It helped reduce the nausea by half which was more than anything else. (If one more person told me to "just eat crackers" I was going to go crazy!). But one thing to note with it is that it can stop you up, so what I did was to take tons of magnesium malate (I checked, it is perfectly safe in preg, as is the clay) to make sure I pooped. The magnesium also comes in handy later in the preg if you get leg cramps. But I wouldn't get the companion product they recommend to help you poop. It was the disgusting psyllium stuff which made me gag. But for sure get the liquid bentonite clay. It was the only thing that made me feel remotely better.



answers from Phoenix on

My midwife recommended breaking all my meals into tiny portions - and eating them every two hours.
I still felt sick but didn't GET sick as much when I did this. It kept my blood sugar levels even.

Also, she recommended not drinking "just" water - if the taste is bad. Mild teas, raspberry leaf tea, VitC water (you can get this at Trader Joe's).

Hope you feel better soon!!! The great thing about it is that you know it will pass.



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi Jaimee,
so sorry to hear you're so sick! I was never as sick as you, but felt grossly sick whenever I had nothing in my stomach. I resorted to buying a costco size back of hard candies and sucking on them....I could keep them down and yet not feel gross (or as gross) all of the time. I too homeschool our 4 and did my nephew for 7 years. I don't know how you're managing, but I'll pray for you! Best wishes.



answers from Tucson on

Try crystalized ginger. It works miracles!
You can get it at Whole Foods or Trader Joes. It's very spicy and you only need about half of a chunk (the packages are filled with little chunks) to make you feel better.

Good luck.
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answers from Phoenix on

I never had HG, so have no experience with medications, but I did have morning sickness for the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy. In addition to the ginger, small meals, crackers, etc, I found that certain smells helped me. For me, smelling a fresh cut lemon really helped. I discovered that when I was in a restaurant- the people next to us ordered fish, and I thought I was going to throw up right at the table!! I grabbed a lemon slice, squeezed it, and smelled it, and it worked! I have heard from other moms that rubbing alcohol (not sure about fumes on that one), lavendar oil, Vick's Vapo-Rub, and cinnamon extract worked for them. I know it's just a little short term relief, but I also know that any relief is worthwhile!! Best of luck!!



answers from Phoenix on

I am so sorry you have this too- I did too! It was unbearable. I found that acupuncture helped take the edge off. Nothing else helped me, all the things people recommend never helped, not supplements nothing. So I was thankful that this did give me some relief so I could gain strength for the constant vomiting and nausea. I again am so sorry- I would never wish this on anyone.



answers from Phoenix on

I'm sure you've already tried this, but have you had any luck with Zofran? That worked pretty well for me. I also made homemade Bendectin (B6 & Unisom). I also had a wee bit of luck with chiropractic care.

Best wishes - I know how miserable this can be!!




answers from Phoenix on

There are several homeopathic remedies for nausea during pregnancy. It may be hard with 4 kids and pregnant (ha) to go to the bookstore, but I recommend getting a book on homeopathy and choosing a remedy that is right for you. Sometimes Whole Foods and Sprouts will have an in-store "expert" that can help you, but I'd call in advance to find out when thier best person is working.

Most homeopaths recommend Everyone's Guide to Homeopathy as a good layman's book. I have it, it's okay.
Good luck,



answers from Flagstaff on


I am glad to hear you are still hanging in there with this pregnancy! I did finally lose mine after 10 weeks, and this was my worst miscarriage yet. I am praying that you make it through.


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